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"i trust you"

"Hey, Jade! Your bags just arrived!" Morgan shouted excitedly from downstairs

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"Hey, Jade! Your bags just arrived!" Morgan shouted excitedly from downstairs.

Jade instantly jumped up from her desk and ran down the stairs. She waited a whole day for them to get back to her and she was starting to grow impatient.

"Finally!" She cried happily as she threw her backpack around on her back and picked up her suitcase, running back up the stairs. "Come on, Morgan!"

Morgan happily followed behind her big sister, going into her room was always so much fun and she rarely ever got to go in it.

"Was your phone in the bag?" Morgan asked, wondering why Jade was so excited to get clothes back.

"That, and everything else I cherish!" Jade said dramatically, throwing everything out of the backpack onto the bed. She gave the bag to Morgan and she instantly started opening the smaller pockets, making sure Jade got everything out.

One pocket had pencils and pens— typical of Jade— another pocket had earbuds, a charger, and the dual headphone adapter Harry and her used when they sat together. Then the last pocket she checked had one thing in it and it was quite weird looking to Morgan.

"What is this?" Morgan asked, holding it up.

Jade turned to look and saw it was the drive Nick gave her, "Oh my Thor," she whispered.

"Huh?" Morgan made a confused face.

"It's from dad," Jade said, holding her hand out for Morgan to give it to her. She did and Jade turned to walk to her desk. She was the only one who had a port the shape the drive was made, it was for secret purposes, and because of that, she didn't tell anyone about it. But like the first time she saw it, she wondered how Tony got ahold of it...

"What is it?" Morgan asked again, following.

"I really don't know," Jade answered truthfully. She plugged it in and thought for a second, should she let Morgan see it? It couldn't possibly be bad... right? "Come here."

Jade placed Morgan on her lap and plugged the drive in. A tab pops up with an "OPEN" button. She pressed it and five different files popped up, all of them having names on them. Pepper, Morgan, Rhodey, Peter, and lastly, Jaidan. All the other files had been opened, but Jade's wasn't.

She could see her's was the biggest file, Pepper's being the second. She took a deep breath before opening the file. When it opened, there was only a link, along with a password; ILOVEYOU3000

Her eyebrows scrunched together in confusion, a password?

She clicked the link and it opened to STARK INDUSTRIES. A username was already placed— jaidanstark. She sucked in a sharp breath, he gave her an account! She typed in the password and the account instantly opened with the words, "WELCOME BOSS" on the screen.

She covered her mouth, she was shocked— surprised maybe? She couldn't believe this— not everyone who has an account gets welcomed with the words "WELCOME BOSS." As she read the words over and over again Morgan looked behind her at Jade's face.

"What does it say?" She asked, unable to read just yet.

Jade looked at Morgan, "It says, "Welcome Boss,"" She said.

"So you're in charge now? Of what exactly?" Morgan asked confused.

"Let's find out," Jade said, noticing a blinking notification in the top right corner. She pressed it and it was a recording.

There was no image of him this time, but when his voice played through, she felt like he was standing right in front of her.

"Hey, Princess. It's me— dad. You might be confused right now, and that's fine— I planned for this. It was always my intention to pass the company to one of my children, I wanted a boy, but I got you," he laughed, Jade laughed quietly. "But, I wouldn't have it any other way. Now, I'm pretty sure you're not ready to take over, and that's okay, but whenever you are, the position is always open."

Jade had to pause the recording. Tony was giving her the company? She was going to run the company someday?

"Daddy? Where are you?" Morgan asked towards the screen. "I don't see him, Jade."

Jade took in a deep breath, holding back her tears, you can do this, you can do this!

"It's a recording of him, he's not here," Jade said. Morgan understood Tony wasn't coming home, but she didn't understand completely. She knew he was gone but no one had the heart to tell her he was gone.

"So you are the boss now?" Morgan smirked.

"Not exactly," Jade chuckled as she pressed the space bar.

"You have full access to everything. Files, dates, secret projects, emails, anything you could want— it's all yours. Now, one thing we need to discuss— when you get married and decide you want to change the name, I'll only accept Parker, if it's anything other than that, sorry. You can't change it."

"Peter Parker?" Morgan asked, trying to hold back her laugh.

Jade just rolled her eyes at Morgan and listened to Tony again.

"Friday will be available whenever you need her, she can show you the ropes— and Pepper too, I guess," He said sarcastically, trying not to laugh at himself. "Pepper knows what's happening, she agreed to it, so when you're ready, go to her.

"I'm so proud of you, Princess. Take care of Morgan for me, you're the best version of me left— someone's gotta teach her right," Tony laughed this time, and paused. Jade's shoulders tightened, the suspense was eating her alive. "I pass my work to you, Jade. You are the one who can finish it, and I trust you...

"I love you 3,000,"



but it's not over just yet 😎

Iron Lightning; Valuable [ II ] P. PARKEROù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant