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"her past"

"No, seriously— what's going on?" Peter asked

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"No, seriously— what's going on?" Peter asked.

"Okay," Jade sighed, dragging out the word.

She took both, Peter and Tony, over to the side and started explaining about her "past"— which Peter didn't understand.

"Wait, past? What past?" Peter asked totally confused.

How did Jade not know her own past? He asked himself.

"I'm not... human," Jade said sadly, trying to get Tony to look at her.

She hated having to bring this up to him now. Especially with others around, it wasn't exactly how she wanted to do it.

"I was born on Asgard and my birth name is Ilene Odinson."

"You're a god?!" Peter asked, his voice getting higher.

"Technically, a Norse goddess, but... yeah," she smiled sadly.

She looked over to Tony again, he didn't know what to say, how could he? He's basically been lying to his daughter all her life and he didn't know how she was handling it. He wanted to be the one to tell her, he was just waiting until it was necessary or the right time— apparently, that's now.

Peter could feel the tension between the two Starks getting very awkward so he stood up to let them be alone.

"Oh, look, those poles!" He said and webbed away, leaving Jade and Tony alone.

It was silent for a minute or two, neither really knowing how to say the first words. Jade sighed, defeated by the hurt look on her father's face.

"I'm not mad, or upset. I'm just confused," She said, looking down at her fingers. "I guess that explains where the nickname came from." She tried to laugh.

Tony still sat there, his face lifted some, but he still looked sad and upset.

"Would you please say something?" Jade pleaded.

"I don't know what to say," he sighed. "When... Frigga came to me with you in her arms I freaked out. She had guards and golden clothes and everything fancy, I thought she was some crazy rich lady. And she asked me to take you. I was going to refuse, but when she told me your story and showed me your face, I couldn't say no anymore. She gave you to me and said her goodbyes and left. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know how to handle the situation so I did it the only way I knew how; to hide it. I never told you because I was scared. I was scared you'd want to leave and be with the other gods or whatever..."

Jade sat there, her eyes slightly widened. She blinked a few times, trying to hold back her tears, but one slipped. She laid her hand on his shoulder and smiled.

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