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The floor beneath Jaidan Stark's feet fell in on her.

The first thought that goes through your mind when you fall through a hole that was created out of thin air is "I'm going to fall down this hole like Alice in Wonderland," or "This is a never ending hole,"

But in reality, Jade fell through the created hole just as fast as it was made. She landed on the floor right beside a chair.

"I couldn't have fallen in a chair," she groaned sitting up after falling on her back. She looked up from the floor to see a man in a cape and a goatee similar to Tony Stark's, sitting in a chair in front of her. Then, the Unknown woman jumped down from the portal Jade fell through.

"Miss Stark," the man with a cape said slowly and quietly.

Jade slowly stood up, eyeing the place she was in.

"I'm Doctor Stephen Strange. I see you've met my assistant." He smirked as he nodded towards Unknown.

"I'm not your assistance, Strange," Unknown growled.

Stephen ignored her and gestures towards the chair beside Jade to sit down. Jade moves into the chair and glares at the two sitting before her.

"Where the hell am I?" Jade asked.

"You ask so many questions," Unknown groaned, then she turned to Stephen. "Can you hurry up with your stuff so we can get started?"

Jade's eyebrows arched in confusion, huh?

"It's not that simple," Strange said, holding his hand up at her. "She has a lot to learn."

"And in little to no time at all," Unknown snapped back.

"I can't learn anything if you're talking code with each other," Jade spoke up confident. Then mumbled to herself, "It's pass my bed time."

"You live alone and have a bed time?" Strange asked.

"Yes, a time of when I like to get in my bed,"

"Alright then," Strange said, rolling his eyes and sitting forward. "My assistant has told you what your here for, right?"

"No, actually. She said something about some Harry Potter prophecy shit and made me fall through a portal- hole- or whatever it was," Jade explained. She looked around the place in confusion- "Seriously, where am I?"

Strange glared at Unknown, "You explain better. Plus, she was asking too many questions," she held her hands up in defense.

Strange groaned, "The prophecy, yes. Well-"

"Why is this chair sticky?" Jade interrupted, moving her arms away from the sticky arm rest.

"Oh, your brother, Thor, spilt some beer on it a while ago," Strange said normally, shrugging the thought off.

"Brother?" Jade asked, her voice cracking slightly, then she laughed. "Thor's not my brother."

"Oh-! You didn't know? God, what a small world," Strange chuckled dryly.

Unknown rolled her eyes, she was starting to grow impatient. "Can we skip this part?" She asked, arms crossed.

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