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"you're iron lightning"

After successfully destroying the two new drones, one more showed up

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After successfully destroying the two new drones, one more showed up.

"Back for more, eh?" Jade laughed.

The drone instantly started shooting at her, but Jade dodged it, rolling over to the side to take cover. She ran to the other side of the room to confuse the drone and created a shield, much like Steve's.

"Yoohoo! Big summer blow out!" Jade laughed at herself as the drone turned around and she threw the shield at it, knocking it off course for a second.

She ran at it and jumped on top of it, grabbing the drone's gun and ripping it off. Once the drone was functioning right, it started trying to buck her off. She jumped off and shot the drone with a bolt, it fell to the ground and tried to get back up but she shot it again.

Jade looked at the drone and stuck her tongue out, putting an 'L' on her forehead.

Then suddenly, Jade was pushed back, a bullet shooting her in the shoulder. She let out a yelp as she hit the ground, the drone flying closer to her but not shooting. Jade kept backing up until she was pressed against the vault door, why isn't it shooting? She created a mystic shield to protect herself just in case.

But the drone never moved, a few seconds went by then it lowered its gun and turned around, flying out the room. She followed it out and watched as it flew to the sky with the others and they all blew up.

"I love fireworks.." Jade smirked, her hands on her hips.

She smiled towards the bridge where she left Peter, he did it. She ran back inside the vault room and grabbed the rest of her corn dog, taking a bite.

"Um... Hello?" A muffled voice called.

"Is it safe now?" Another one asked.

Jade's eyes widened, forgetting her friends were inside the vault, "Right," she mumbled.

When opening the door she saw Michelle, Ned, Betty, Flash, and Happy all safe inside. "Oh my Thor, you guys are okay!"

They all had wide eyes, Flash and Betty especially. Jade scrunched her eyebrows together, did she look that bad?

"You're... you're Iron Lightning?" Flash asked, his shaky hand pointing at Jade.

"Um... yes?" She questioned.

"Jade?" Betty asked.

Now it was Jade's turn to have her eyes widen, she quickly touched her face— her mask was gone...

"Oh, Thor," she mumbled.

"Oh— my— God," Flash whispered, his mouth wide, he slowly started lifting his phone.

Iron Lightning; Valuable [ II ] P. PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now