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"I like this one ii"

CHAPTER SEVENTY"I like this one ii"

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"It won't budge!"


Michelle and Ned were knocked back on the floor for the third time.

"There's no use!" Jade groaned, leaning against the wall, slowly sliding down to sit. She slammed her fist against the magic wall, a loud thundering sound echoed through the room.

"We're gonna go look for something upstairs! Don't worry!" Ned told Jade as he took Michelle's hand and ran up the stairs to the main floor.

Strange made it to where no magic would work inside the cell for Jade when he trapped her. And the spell placed over the controls to open the cells was not budging.

Not that she didn't have faith in Peter, but he would need her help against Strange with his manipulative magic. But now she's stuck in a cell, magic-less.

"Not so nice being stuck in here, huh?"

Jade sharply turned her head to the back corner of the cell, of course, she was trapped with the other Harry. She just rolled her eyes, groaning to herself. Could my life play out any more perfect?

The other Harry chuckled, hanging his head low.

"What?" Jade asked, ruder than she meant.

"You're a lot like Jaidan, she was mean when I first met her too," he said.

Is it just me or is he being nice all of the sudden? Jade asked herself.

"So what's your story?" Harry asked.

"Story?" Jade asked.

"Your life— I wonder if it's anything like my Jaidan,"

"Why do you call her Jaidan?" Jade asked, confused. She never liked being called that before, why is this other version of me using her full name?

"That's what she goes by," Harry said. "What do you go by?"


"That's what her dad called her," He said calmly. "I never understood."

"Dad?" Jade asked. He knew Tony was her dad?

"Tony Stark,"

Jade was shocked. She just stayed quiet.

"So you and Spider-Man are a thing?" Harry continued the conversation.


"I wonder if Jaidan dated Spider-Man?" Harry questioned.

"How do you know her? Your Jade?" Jade asked.

"She's my— was— fiancé,"

Jade's eyes widened. Fiancé?! "What do you mean was?"

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