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Becoming CEO was not the easiest thing Jade's done, but she made it happen

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Becoming CEO was not the easiest thing Jade's done, but she made it happen. The Board of Directory took a few days to convince— they didn't like the idea of a seventeen-year-old becoming CEO of a multi-billion dollar company, but she pleaded her case for three days and they eventually opened up to the idea. 

"If anything happens, you're out," The Board told her.

"I won't let you down," she said.

From then on it was weeks of non-stop work, calls, and meetings. Jade didn't have time for any of her personal life and she hated it. She didn't get to see any of her friends— they always tried calling or having lunch together but Jade had to cancel or decline because of all the meetings she had to attend. Especially now since the DODC opened an investigation on missing technology, she was sinking further into her work.

It lasted almost three weeks before everyone found out she was the new CEO of Stark Industries. She wished it would never have made it to the public, but nothing seems to work out in her favor anymore. The universe hates her now.

Then to make matters worse, she finally had a slow day and she wanted to spend it with her best friends, but the paparazzi and other news stations spotted her. She just wanted to see her friends...

"Is it true?!" one of the reporters asked, shoving a recorder into her face.

"W-What?" Jade asked nervously, trying her best not to have an anxiety attack and end up hurting someone.

"Are you the new CEO of Stark Industries?!" Another asked, also trying to shove a microphone in her face.

Her eyes popped out and her face flushed a deep red, "H-How did you—?"

"So it's true! You're the new CEO!"

"Ye— No! I didn't even say anything—!"

"It was just announced from the board that Pepper Potts has stepped down from her position as CEO and passed it down. You're the only remaining successor!"

"It doesn't have to be someone with the Stark name," Jade said plainly, scrunching her eyebrows together.

"It's obvious!"

"It has to be you!"

"Are you trying to get out of the Mysterio conflict by becoming CEO?"

"Mysterio even said you were going to be Iron Man and no one else! Are you the new Iron Man now?!"

"No—!" Jade tried cutting them off. They started getting closer and closer as she tried backing up. Her anxiety wasn't going to be able to handle all of this. "Can you please back—? Hey!"

Iron Lightning; Valuable [ II ] P. PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now