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"fate of the universe"

The doors to the donut-shaped ship closed and the alien creature was setting the ship's coordinates to Titan.

While he was distracted, Jade scanned the ship as much as she could since VERONICA was now disconnected. From what she could see, it was just a unless ship that was really dark— nothing too important.

She was struggling to free herself; the more she pulled and tugged, the more the vine like rope tightened around her.

"There's no use in trying," the creature spoke, not turning his head to look at Jade. "It will only become tighter until you have no more air. And no matter how much I want you dead— it's not my place. Once Thanos kills you, the stone will be his and you won't be able to save your precious boyfriend."

Jade growled lowly at him mentioning Peter. She hoped Tony got to him in time and that they were both safe on Earth.

"Okay, first off, he's not my boyfriend," she tried to sound mean, but it mostly sounded like she was hurt by it. "And second, Thanos won't get the stone because he won't be able to kill me."

"Brave words, but still pathetic," he scolded.

Jade swallowed the lump in her throat, just be brave, just be brave.

The creature finished setting the directions for the ships location and started to form glowing needles all around Strange and Jade's body. As he did that, Jade noticed the Cloak of Levitation was flying around out of the creatures sight.

She zoomed in and tried to follow where the cloak was going and saw it fly up towards the top of the ship. Then it stopped at a ledge thing and saw another figure standing there. She couldn't say anything else with the alien creature standing there so she couldn't see who or what it was.

"Don't make me have to kill you," the creature whispered and started to walk back towards the control center.

It had been a few minutes since the needles were placed around Jade and Strange and he started to wake up, the creature noticing.

"In all my time I've served Thanos, I've never failed him," he spoke, walking closer towards them. "If I were to reach our rendezvous on Titan with the Time Stone still attached to her with the spell and an extra irritating person, there would be... judgement," the needles started getting closer to Strange, almost impaling him, he turned to Jade. "Give me.. the stone or he dies."

"... No," Jade said nervously, watching the needles get closer and closer.

"Stonekeeper?" He turned to Strange.

"Ne— never," Strange said shaky.

The creature groaned and made the needles go slightly into both his and her's skin. Strange let out a loud groan, trying not to move vigorously while Jade held her breath and closed her eyes, a few tears falling.

"Painful aren't they? They were originally designed for microsurgery. And any one of them could—" a loud thud stops him.

He turns around and Tony stands there, repulsors ready. Jade's eyes widened. "... Could end your friends life in an instant."

"I gotta tell you, he's not really my friend. Saving his life is more a professional courtesy," Tony said. "But my daughter— you'll regret that."

"You've saved nothing. Your powers are inconsequential compared to mine," the creature said slowly, walking closer to Tony and making large items float behind him.

Iron Lightning; Valuable [ II ] P. PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now