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"i'm a really good lawyer"

CHAPTER SIXTY-TWO "i'm a really good lawyer"

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"J. Jonah Jameson reporting live from The Daily Bugle News where we have just received that Stark Industries' CEO, Pepper Potts, has stepped down from her leadership. But that's not all, folks— the new Stark Industries CEO is none-other than Jaidan Stark. (A.K.A The Lightning Murderer).

"How can a war criminal like Stark herself become CEO of a billion-dollar company? How can a seventeen-year-old run a company? If this is a way of getting people to not hate you, Miss Stark, I'm afraid it will not work out."

Jade groaned, throwing her head back while her office chair started leaning back and forth softly. She pressed the palms of her hand against her eyes, wishing her headache would go away.

The Daily Bugle could kiss her ass. Jameson was the main problem to her and Peter's whole identity situation. If he didn't continuously add to the mixture of problems daily and made it his personal mission to make their lives miserable, maybe they would be hated on the down-low.

The interview is a few days old now, the video finally making its way to her. It had now been six weeks and three days since Jade and Peter's lives were turned upside-down. Six long weeks of dealing with the government, the media, and the company's own problems.

The only thing going good for them so far was that Jade found a lawyer— well, he actually found them. He reached out to Jade the day after she was mobbed and every news station announced her new role as CEO. He made a very good argument as to why he can help them— other than the fact that no other lawyers would help them. He told her he would get started immediately and that he would call again soon. A week later, he wanted to set up a meeting to meet her and Peter in person. She agreed and they planned on the next day after lunch— which is today. Right now.

Jade's eyes widened— she completely forgot! The meeting was at Peter and May's apartment, fifteen minutes ago.

She jumped from her desk and held her arms out, circling one to open a portal to their living room. She stepped through and dusted herself off, quickly closing the portal and gathering herself.

"Hey!" Jade recognized the voice of Peter. He stood up from his chair and walked over to her, pulling her into a hug. It had been two weeks since they last saw each other.

"I am so sorry! I lost track of time and—" Jade began spitting out an excuse but Peter stopped her, placing his hands gently on her face to make her stop talking.

"—Don't worry about it! You're a busy woman now, we get it," he said as he leaned his head against hers. She smiled sheepishly, placing one of her hands on his.

"Thanks," she mumbled.

Peter led her over to the dining table, May and Happy giving the two teens a cheeky grin, making them blush.

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