Chapter8 Show me your human form?

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No One's POV

It's been half week Tae didn't go college. Bogum was trying to make him understand that it's not good to run away from his mate and he had to face him one day but still Tae wasn't having it. He hadn't been eating properly. Everytime Rose, Bogum even Guyam Bogum and Rose's alpha daughter tried to feed him he would always refused. Cause he wanted to be slim and for him if he wouldn't eat he will be slim.

They were getting worried for him. He wasn't getting slim but weak. He was looking so weak.

On the other hand Jeongguk was not good too. He always search for his mate in whole campus when he got time. He was restless. He would go in forest to look for him but would always return with disappointment face.

Jeongguk was blaming himself. His mate wasn't going college because he scared him.

It was night time both were staring at beautiful moon out from window.

' Greyan let's go in forest again. ' Jeongguk said to his wolf.

"Let's go. It'll fresh our mind." Greyan said.

He turned into his wolf form and jumped out from balcony. He run towards forest.

' Luna let's go in forest I want fresh air.' Tae said.

"But are you strong enough to handle me?" Luna asked unsure.

'I'm fine Luna.'

"Okay then."

Tae turned into his wolf form and just like Jungkook jumped out from balcony. His house wasn't far from forest so he reached there within some minutes. He went near a lake that was in forest. He layed down on ground and kept wiggling his white tail while looking at Lake.

He heard rustling sounds behind him, he turned his head as he stood up. He titled his head and a rabbit come out from bunches. He gulped. He didn't ate dinner and seeing that rabbit made his stomach growl.

'Luna I'm hungry.'

"Let's catch this rabbit before it run away." Luna growled.

As for Jeongguk he was already there running around into forest, jumping here and there. He kept running until a scent caught his nostrils. If he wasn't in wolf form his shock and happy smile had shown.

'Greyan mate.'

"Jeongguk let's go." With that he followed the scent.

He reached there where he could see a white werewolf, his mate, near lake eating a rabbit.

'His wolf form is so beautiful, he is looking so fluffy.' Jeongguk thought.

After all difficulties running here and there Tae finally caught the rabbit.

'Luna cook rabbit is more tastier.' Tae commented tearing rabbit's flesh with his sharp teeth.

"Yeah but it's still good." Luna hummed.

Jeongguk walked up to him quitely in his four paws.

Tae froze on his spot, he slowly moved his head up with big peice of meat into his mouth.

Tae saw a big black wolf infront of him. His red eyes piercing into his own blue ones. He recognised who the wolf was, the one who claim to be his mate. The peice of meat fell on ground as he gulped.

As Jeongguk took step forward Tae stepped back. Tae was unknowingly glaring at him, he was a bit scare but won't show it. But for Jeongguk his glare was cute, he took step forward again making Tae stepped back automatically.

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