Chapter7 Will he accept me?

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No One's POV

"WHAT!!" WonWook stood up from his chair.

"Hey hey dad not like that I mean it wasn't his fault. It's an accident." Jeongguk immediately told him while waving his both hands towards his father in denial.

WonWook frowned before sitting down again.

"What do you mean?"

"Well *sighed* it was somehow I think my fault." He scratched his neck.

"Your fault? What did you did?" Bogum asked looking angry. Jeongguk and WonWook looked at him confusingly.

"I just went up to him and tried to talk but he got scare then I told him I'm his mate so he won't be scare anymore but it went downhill." Jeongguk paused to sighed.

"He didn't believe me and I don't know what happened but he just pushed a whole bookfuckingshelf over me then ran away. I tried to follow him but when he mind linked me I stopped. He said he wants me to leave him alone. Can you believe it Dad my own mate want me to leave him alone how tragic." Jeongguk chuckled dryly before his mood saddened.

"He?" WonWook questioned earning a nod from his son.

"My mate is an male omega." Jeongguk told him proudly.

They heard Bogum sighed making them turned their head towards him again.

"Jeongguk male omegas are more sensitive then females. They often gets scare if they don't have someone they can trust beside them you know that after all you have two omega brothers but you just showed up infront of him, told him you are his mate. Don't you think it'll be a bit too much to digest for an omega who is still minor." Bogum said crossing his arms.

"Yeah Bogum is right Jeongguk. You should have talk to him properly first, be friends with him, get to know eachother then when he will turn 18, he will eventually know who is his mate." WonWook leaned his back on his chair.

Jeongguk looked down and kept nodding his head after sometime he looked up.

"You both are right. I went little far." Jeongguk uttered before pressing his lips together.

"So where did you met my son-in-law?" WonWook wiggled his eyebrows with playfull smile.

"Bangtan College. And Oh God dad his eyes were so beautiful. In darkness of the library his eyes shining blue was so memorising. I can't keep my eyes off from his eyes. So pretty and beautiful." Jeongguk smiled dreamily remembering his mate's eyes.

"Oh my son is already whipped." WonWook chuckled while Jeongguk grinned.

"Yeah I'm."

"It's mean you saw his face?" Bogum asked. Jeongguk looked at him and shook his head.

"That's the sad point I didn't saw his face because of bookshelf standing between us. I saw his eyes through the space between the book." Jeongguk pouted at little.

"Aww my son is sulking." WonWook laughed at his son who glared at him, while Bogum smiled softly.

'He is the right one.' Bogum thought looking at glaring Jeongguk.

"Tsk Alpha without brain I'm going." Jeongguk stood up.

Bogum laughed at the name.

"Mr.Jeon what's with the name?" Bogum asked chuckling. WonWook pressed his lips together, glaring at his grinning son.

"Explain. Bye dad and hyung." Jeongguk chuckled and went out.

WonWook looked at Bogum who was waiting for explanation, making him sighed. He didn't want to remember that embarrassing day but now no choice.

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