Chapter31 support

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Author's pov;

The glory of Taehyung's face as he talked with his unborn with so much enthusiasm. How could he tell his mate that they can lose their unborn children?

But he had to.

It wasn't only about his children but Taehyung's too, he was the one who is carrying the pups.


Taehyung looked up, the book on maternity in his hand. He was reading that book while constantly making remarks at the topics to his unborn twins. His face showed confusion, he placed the book aside on the bed he was sitting on.

Jeongguk's heart broke millions of times as the pregnant male cried in his arms, sobbing loudly.

"Mama, it's not your fault. Please, please, stop blaming yourself." Jeongguk hugged him tighter, afraid to let go and let the omega do something horrible to himself.

The omega was too overwhelmed to understand anything right now.

"Baby, I told you no, we can continue this pregnancy. We can make it, our pups will be born healthy and perfectly fine. We will make it happen. And for this, you have to take care of yourself, please mama, for me, for our twins. Control yourself." Jeongguk said planting a series of kisses on the omega's head.

His lips pressed against the crying omega's head, "m-maybe this is the o-only chance." Jeongguk whispered, tears trickling down his cheeks.

Taehyung sobbed loudly, he crawled on the alpha's lap and cried on his chest, he wanted to calm down by hearing his alpha's heartbeat yet he couldn't control himself from bursting into ugly tears.

He felt it was all his fault, maybe only if he took the pills when his alpha gave him, maybe only if he just didn't being a stubborn boy.

He shouldn't have rushed.

It's all his fault.

But regretting the decision he made a few months ago won't do anything, it will just be the reason for his depressions.

He had to handle himself, his emotions. If he will be like this who could support his alpha. Admit or not, his alpha was just as sensitive as him. The tough alpha he was showing right now was just a fake layer, later at night the layer will break off and he will cry all alone.

He knew, the omega knew that. He had been hearing small cries at night, the cries of his mate whenever he was asleep. He knew, but couldn't muster up to ask why the alpha was crying.

But now he knew why. And he felt so horrible, so ashamed of himself.

Placing these all thoughts aside, he needed to push himself up and be by his alpha's side.

He pulled away a bit, instantly felt two warm hands cupping his face. When he looked up, his heart broke. These tears in his alpha's eyes, it was caused by him.

"No, baby. Please don't blame yourself. You didn't know something like this will happen." Jeongguk comforted while wiping away these tears from his rosy cheeks.

More tears coming out from the omega's eyes. He slowly lifted his hand between them, "promise?" He said, his voice was so small.

Jeongguk took the bottom lip between his teeth, chewing on the soft flesh to suppress himself from bursting into tears. He didn't want to break down, he should be a shoulder for his omega, his strength.

But crying on your beloved's shoulder makes you feel relief.

"Promise." Jeongguk choked on his sob, he hugged his mate again, this time he cried on the younger's shoulder.

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