Chapter38 Can't Find

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Author's pov;

Taehyung stirred up from his unconscious, holding his head instantly.

"Ggukie?" He whispered, opening his eyes slowly. He shivered as he felt the hard and cold floor beneath him.

It was a completely dark room with the only source of light that came from the small ventilator.

Placing his hands on the floor he sat up carefully, eyes wandering around the place he was in. He breathed heavily, it was getting scary how his own breathing scared him off.

The pregnant omega tried to bring himself on his feet but something stopped him as if he was tied. He could feel it was a hard thing and cold just like the floor. He jerked his legs only to hear sounds of like chains.
He was tied with a chain.

"Where am I?" He cried, wrapping his hands around his baby bump. Heart racing in fear, tears brimming down his cheeks.

Then a screeching sound rang and his heart thumped loudly as footsteps began echoing in the dark place. He crawled backward in fear, eyes hugely looking here and there to find the exact direction of where the footsteps coming from.

He covered his mouth to suppress his hiccups, crying silently against his palms.

The footsteps began getting closer and closer, each step made his heart pound harder, the fear creeping him more and more. All he could think was something bad, he knew, his instincts were telling him he was in danger, a great danger.

But his fear was for his pups, his unborn twins.

He didn't know when his back hit the wall, he wanted to shrink in fear knowing he has nowhere to go.

"Ggukie." He mumbled, biting his nails, "Ggukie.. twins' papa, where are you?" He cried softly.

"Tae, please calm down!" Luna said, but he was panicking so much. He was scared too. He had been trying to link their alpha but for some reason, he could not.

"Ggu-kie.." He sobbed, now both hands over his mouth. It was getting harder, he wanted to cry his eyes out.

"For pups, Tae. We have to calm down. Don't think bad things okay." Luna coaxed his human.

Taehyung nodded at his wolf's words and wiped his tears but more of them were slipping from his eyes.

A light came in the room along with a screeching sound of the door opening that sent more fear into the pregnant omega's heart.

He covered his eyes, hiccuping lightly.

His body trembled as unknown scents filled his nose, dominating him. All alphas and betas, probably 10 wolves.

"What a pity." A low chuckled echoed across the darkroom, the pregnant omega held back from whimpering as the steps stopped right before him.

Suddenly he was being yanked by his hair and head tilted upward. A cry of pain left his plump lips, "l-leave me." He tried to remove the unknown man's hand from his hair, one hand securely around his belly.

A sting on his face coming with a loud sound of a slap.

Taehyung's head moved to the side, holding his stinging cheek he cried, eyes tight shut.

"You have only a day and this night cause tomorrow night you will say bye to this world and your so-called mate." The man laughed maniacally.

Taehyung mustered the courage to look at him, shaking his head, "Who are you?!" He yelled, teary and doe eyes on the man whose face was still hidden.

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