Chapter23 Pills

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No one's pov;

Taehyung woke up next day, quiet sniffles beside him were heard as he felt someone putting cold lotion like something on his neck.

It was his mate, he could tell from Alpha's strong scent, he stirred up from his sleep. "B-Baby, you okay?" Jeongguk asked, making his mate lay down when he was going to sit up.

"G-Gukie." Taehyung's whole body ached, his face twisting cause of the pain in his bottom.

"I'm sorry." Jeongguk sniffled, spreading ointment on his bruised hips.

"Why are you saying sorry, Ggukie?" The omega gently intertwined his finger with Jeongguk's bigger one. "I-I caused you pain, I couldn't control myself. I hurt you, I'm sorry. Please forgive me, baby-"

"Ggukie." Taehyung gave him a squeeze, "Don't be silly." He chuckled, "You are a true blood and we both were in heat and rut, it's common. Don't be sorry."

Jeongguk wiped his tears, "B-But still, I-Iㅡ"

"My mark look good on you, alpha." The omegas uttered softly, cutting off his mate's sentence, hoping to change the topic.

Jeongguk touched his mark, and smiled faintly, "I know, yours too. Pretty."

Taehyung blushed, his hand softly touched his mating mark. He bite his bottom lip, trying hard to resist that blush spreading more on his face.

He shyly avoided eye contact with Jeongguk, who leaned down, siding away the ointment and bandage. "My pretty omega." He kissed his cheek.

"You've cleaned me?" The omega asked, eyes on his own naked figure that was covered with blanket, only his hip was showing as Jeongguk was putting ointment on it before.

Jeongguk nodded, smiling softly, "Yeah, after this I was going wear you my hoodie." He rubbed his thumb over Taehyung's red cheek.

"Have you showered?" The Omega asked, his eyes blinking cutely that Jeongguk couldn't help but coo, "Yes babyboy, I did." He booped his mate's nose with his fingertip.

The omega giggled, Jeongguk's hand hovered over him, his hand reaching out for something on nightstand.

Taehyung looked at nightstand and saw pills and water of glass, he watched the male taking them in his hands.

"What is it, Ggukie?" Taehyung asked, "pain killers a-and...." Jeongguk trailed off, gulping anxiously, he didn't what his mate will think of him after this.

"And?" Taehyung smiled softly.

"Birth control pills."

Jeongguk witnessed how omega's smile fell and sadness cover his pretty eyes.

He panicked, "B-Baby, it's not like I don't want pup's with you. It's just you know, you are still in college, you are too young to have kids. Baby please don't think wrong about th-"

"So you want to kill our baby, Ggukie." Taehyung's eyes filled with tears, Jeongguk cupped his face, "No, baby. It's not like that. I'm just preventing you from getting pregnant."

"It's same na, our baby will get killed."

"Tae, try to understand him. It's for your good, are you ready for pups at this age. You just turned 18, you have no experienceㅡ"

'Do every newly mothers has experience? ' Taehyung snapped at Luna who went silent after his human's words.

Jeongguk bite his bottom lip, he could hear both of them, after mating they had the ability to listen to their mate and wolves conversation but only when they were together, right beside each other.

"I think we shouldn't have told him and instead give him med without any trace." Greyan said in his mind, Jeongguk agreed with his wolf.

"Babyboy, I want lots of pups with you but..." Jeongguk cupped his face, "This is not the right time, you are still in college and I don't want to pressure you with pups at this age. You are just 18, baby. I want you to live your college life fully."

Jeongguk caressed his cheek, "Please, baby."

Taehyung sighed and nodded, "Fine."

Jeongguk smiled, "Thank you." He leaned forward and kissed him, Taehyung tried to push him, "I-I have morning b-breathe!"


A carpenter was repairing Taehyung's bedroom's door, whilst the couple was in living room.

Taehyung sitting on sofa, as his mate feed him his breakfast.

"Ggukie, do you know how to cook black bean soup?" Taehyung asked, wide eyes settled on the true blood who knitted his eyebrows, "Y-Yeah."

"Then please cook it for me." Taehyung held his hand, giving puppy eyes, Jeongguk pinched his nose tip smiling softly, "Of course, wait here. I'll be back in some minutes." The alpha kissed his cheek and brought himself on his feet.

"Finish this, okay."

Taehyung nodded taking the plate of pasta in his hand, Jeongguk patted his head with a smile then walked away to kitchen.

Taehyung's smiled fell, as he placed the plate on his lap, ' I know you were trying to tell him, but you promised me, Luna. '

"But Tae, why are you being stubborn. We both aren't ready for pups."

' Shut up, Luna. I'm ready to take responsibility than trying to kill my baby. Don't tell our Alpha that I didn't take that pill, you have swear on me, Luna. '

Luna sighed, he had to agree with his human, "Okay, I won't."


Short :(
But hope it was good ❤️
Take care 💜

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