Shawn Imagine

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Ugly slut.

You deserve to die.

Why does Shawn even like you?

Constantly, words like these were sent to you through social media. You desperately tried to ignore the hurtful words, but you just felt yourself drawn back to them. Shawn saw them sending hate to you, and he told them not you. He was clear about how you didn't deserve it, but in your head, you believed them. Shawn deserved someone better, and prettier.

"What are you thinking about?" Shawn asked from beside you, you almost forgot he was there.

"Nothing," you lied, and he rolled his eyes.

"I know you better than that," he said, nudging your shoulder. He read you like a book, he knew basically everything about you.

"I'm just thinking about food," you said, and a smirk spread across his face. You didn't completely lie, you actually wanted some pizza.

"Do you want something, I'll go get you some food from downstairs," he said and you nodded eagerly.

"Pizza please," he nodded, getting up from his bed and making his way out of the room.

You scrolled through twitter some more, seeing a tweet that pushed you over the edge.

You caused my best friend to kill herself because you took Shawn from her. And you're ugly, you should kill yourself, no one would care anyway.

What?! Even though you didn't "steal" Shawn from this unknown girl, you still felt responsible. You were done now, this was it. You just couldn't anymore, you were through with this life, you were going to do what would make everyone happier.

You got up from the bed, making your way into Shawn's bathroom. You rummaged through the cabinet, finding a bottle of Tylenol. You took a deep breath before emptying the bottle of pills into your hand.

One by one, you took the pills, and by the tenth pill, you felt your mind get fuzzy and a headache form. You took each pill, before feeling your body get weak and collapsing to the floor.

"Babe what was that?" you heard Shawn say before your mind went completely blank.

*Shawn's POV*

I heard a crash upstairs and immediately I got worried, Y/N was clumsy, but I still worried about her.

"Babe what was that?" I asked as I waited for the pizza to warm up in the microwave. I waited a few seconds and when I received no answer, I panicked. "Y/N!"

Something was wrong, I could sense it. She would at least attempt to answer me. I ran upstairs, seeing the bathroom door locked. No. "Y/N, open up," I said as I banged on the door. I heard nothing, just a painful silence.

I rammed into the door, desperately trying to break it open. After failing twice, I used all my strength to break down the strong wood door. Y/N lay there, her body frail with a pill bottle laying beside her. Tears stung my eyes as I took her fragile body into my arms. She wasn't dead, she had had a weak pulse but I could tell that she was struggling. I grabbed my phone, dialing 911 as my hands shook.

"911 what's your emergency?" the dispatcher asked.

"My girlfriend, she overdosed," I said, my voice panicked as I held Y/N in my arms.

"Is she still breathing?" the dispatcher asked.

"Yes, she has a weak pulse," I said, staring at the fragile, yet beautiful girl rested in my arms.

"An ambulance will be there as soon as possible," they said.

"Thank you," I said before hanging up the phone and setting it down. I picked up Y/N's limp body, carrying her downstairs so we could be there when the ambulance got there.

When I heard the sirens, I let out a sigh of relief. They were going to help Y/N.

The EMTs rushed in, putting Y/N on a stretcher and taking her to the ambulance.

"Family only on the ambulance," one guy said and I felt my heart stop. I needed to be with her, I needed to know she was okay.

"No please, I need to be with her," I pleaded, and the guy sadly shook his head.

"I can't allow that," he said and I lowered my head before walking to my car. I watched the ambulance pull away before following after. I was nervous, I didn't know if she was okay and it scared me.

Soon enough, I was at the hospital. I found Y/N's room, but I couldn't go in. I had to wait while they did tests on her. My hands were shaking as I waited. There were tears on my face, and I probably looked like a wreck. Who was I kidding? I was a wreck, the only girl I ever loved was in the hospital, because she tried to overdose.

I'd called Y/N's parents, but they were out of town. They said they were rushing back to be here, but as of right now, I was all Y/N had.

"Family Y/F/N Y/L/N?" a nurse asked and I immediately hopped up from my seat. "Are you family?"

"No, but I'm her boyfriend," I said as I wiped under my eyes.

"Family only," she said and I cocked my head to the side.

"Her parents are out of town, I'm all she has," I said, my voice cracking as I spoke. I just wanted to see her.

"Okay, she's okay, but she needs to stay here for about a week, then she needs to attend a weekly therapy session," she said and I felt a weight lift off of my shoulders at the sound of her being okay. "You can go in and see her if you'd like."

"Thank you," I said as I made my way into Y/N's room. She lay there, her eyes closed as her chest steadily rose and fell with each breath she took.

"Shawn?" she asked, I guess she felt my presence in the room.

"Hey beautiful," I said and she weakly smiled at me.

"Hi Shawn, I'm sorry I did this," she said and I shook my head.

"No baby, don't be sorry," I said, I didn't want her feeling worse. "Just please don't ever do it again."

"I promise I wont," she said, holding her small hand out to me. I took it in my hand, bringing it my lips to softly kiss it.

"I love you so much, and you are beautiful and perfect and worth it and you're amazing and my favorite girl ever," I said and she giggled, making my heart warm. The sound was angelic.

"I love you, Shawn," she said, genuinely smiling.

"I love you too, princess," I said, laying a soft kiss on her forehead.

Hey guys! Sorry I wrote another sorta sad Imagine :/ and I think I'm getting sick if any of you care

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