Sam Imagine (:

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Just about a day ago, you gave birth to your's and Sam's beautiful baby girl, Kaley Rae Wilkinson. Sam was on tour,  so unfortunately he missed the birth. You were in the hospital preparing to leave with your healthy baby girl. You held Kaley in your arms, noticing that she had Sam's eyes and his lips. She was just precious.

You made your way out to your car, strapping Kaley's carrier into the backseat. You lightly kissed her forehead,  wishing Sam could meet her already. As you prepared to drive off, your phone began buzzing. You saw that it was Sam and answered it.

"Hey babe," you answered, wishing that you were greeting him in person rhan over the phone.

"Hey my beautiful wife. How's Kaley?" he asked, and you could practically hear his smile.

"She's doing good. We're just leaving the hospital," you said, driving out of the parking lot. "She has your eyes and lips."

"Aww. I wanna meet my baby girl," he said, a hint of sadness in his voice.

"You'll meet her next week when you come back," you said, even though you wished it was sooner.

"I know," he said. "But I gotta go baby. I just wanted to check up on y'all. I love you."

"I love you too Sam," you said, smiling as if he could see you. He hung up and you set the phone down, driving the remainder to your house. You got out of the car, getting Kaley out.

You opened the door, smiling. "Kaley, this is your home," you said in a baby voice. She was asleep, a small smile on her little lips. You smiled to yourself as you made your way to her room, setting her in her crib. She was peacefully sleeping so you decided to go into the living room and relax. You kicked off your shoes, just as the doorbell rang. Groaning, you got back up.

You opened the door, revealing a very familiar face. "Sam!" you yelled as you jumped into his open arms. "Oh my god I've missed you so much!"

"I know baby I've missed you too," he whispered into your hair.

"Come meet baby Kaley," you said when you pulled away from the hug. His eyes lit up at the mention of her name, and he followed you into her room.

He picked her up, holding her small body in his arms. "She's so beautiful," he said as he stared at her. "Just like you." A tear slipped from his eye as he held her, admiring his baby girl.

"Sam," you whispered, wrapping your arm around his waist.

"I love you baby girl," he said as he sat Kaley back in her crib, kissing her forehead. "And I love you for helping me make this beautiful girl." He kissed your forehead as well, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.

"I love you Sammy," you said, leaning up to kiss his lips. "We did a good job making her." He grinned as you both walked back into the living room.

"Now, we get some much needed alone time," he whispered as he roughly kissed you.

"Slow down there Sam, we just had one kid," you joked. You had finally started your family and you couldn't be happier.


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