Matt Imagine (:

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This is a personal imagine for Menna @MrsEspinosa_Matt !        

You sat across a dinner table with Matt on your first date, smiling, You were making small talk while you ate, planning on going to the park afterwards to really talk. As you finished your meal, which Matt paid for, you guys left, heading to the park.

You two sat on the swings, when Matt asked something really unexpected. "Menna, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, his smile hopeful.

"I-I can't," you stuttered, watching his smile fade away.

"Oh," he mumbled, staring at the ground.

"I like you Matt, but I don't know you well enough yet and you don't know me," you said, making him relax a little bit.

"Well then, tell me about yourself," he said, giving me a warm smile.

You took a deep breath before beginning. "Well, to be honest, the real reason I said no to being your girlfriend is because I have trust issues. From the time I was 5 to the time I was 11 I was bullied. Everyone I thought wasw my friend turned against me. I had an eating disorder for 7 years because of that and I still have a hard time trusting people," you said, feeling a weight being lifted off of your chest.

"I can help you regain your trust, but it's okay if it takes you a while to trust me. I'll wait for you," he said, taking your hand in his.

"You'd do that for me?" you asked, honestly shocked. No one ever did anything like that for you.

"Of course, you're worth waiting for," he said, pressing his soft lips to your cheek. "You're too perfect to let go."


Hey, I hope you like it!

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