Jacob Imagine (:

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February 14th. Also known as Valentine's Day. You were single, but it didn't bother you. You had a great group of friends, and that's all you really needed. You were scrolling through twitter, seeing all these couply things on your timeline. You mentally barfed, tweeting "All I really want this Valentine's Day is some starbucks."

You didn't expect anyone to say anything, but of course your best friend, Jacob, tweeted you. "@JacobWhitesides: Check your doorstep"

You laughed to yourself, getting up off of the couch and walking to your door. You opened it, seeing Jacob standing there with your favorite starbucks drink and a bag.

"Hey best friend," he said, handing you your drink.

"I freaking love you," you said, pulling him into a hug.

"I love you too loser," he said as he pulled away.

"What's in the bag?" you asked as he walked inside.

"You'll just have to look and see," he said with a smirk, handing you the bag.

You opened the bag, seeing a Nike box and a small James Avery bag. Your jaw dropped, and you opened the James Avery bag, and then opened the little box, revealing a ring. It was a cross, exactly the one you had wanted.

Then, you opened the shoe box, seeing a pair of Nike Frees, with a little card sitting on top. You opened the card, reading it.

Here's your ticket to a Taco Bell date with me.
Love, Jacob

You laughed, turning to look at Jacob. "I can't believe you did all this."

"Anything for my favorite girl," he said, throwing an arm over your shoulder. "Now, let's head off to our Taco Bell date."


I know that Valentine's Day already passed, but this is literally GOALS.

QOTD: What's yalls favorite song off of Jacob's EP?

AOTD: Mine is either Ohio or Let's Be Birds

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