Shawn Imagine (:

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You couldnt take it. The hate you were getting from Shawn's so-called fans was unbearable. Why couldn't they just let you and Shawn be happy? You walked into your bathroom and found your escape, your razor. You examined the blade before sliding it across the skin on your wrist. It hurt but it took away the pain. It released the anger you were feeling. No one knew about this side of you. You either covered the scars up with bracelets on wore a long sleeve shirt. Not even Shawn knew abiut this and honestly, you didn't want him to find out. You made multiple cuts in your wrist, watching as the blood dripped onto the floor. You sighed in relief, all the pain from the hate slowly dissolving. Just as you were going to slice deeper, ending it all, the door burst open, revealing Shawn. You didn't want him to find out this way. His eyed were hurt as they fell on your cuts, he looked like he was going to cry and punch a wall at the same time. "Baby," he whispered bending down next to you. "Why?" His eyes were filled with tears as he stared at you, waiting for an answer. "The hate," you mumbled. His face fell, knowing he hadn't stopped it. "Please baby, please stop. I cant stand to see you like this," he whispered, tears sliding down his cheeks. "You dont deserve this." You forced a small smile, standing up from the ground. You pulled Shawn up, kissing his cheek. He grabbed a bandage, kissing each cut before bandaging them. "Please, just promise me you'll stop," he whispered be for softly kissing your cheek. You nodded, knowing you could do this with him. You had found a new release from the pain, through Shawn. You didn't need to cut because you knew he was there for you. He was always going to be there.

Please read! If you're self harm or you're suicidal, know you're not alone! If you need anyone ever, just inbox me or kik me @la_madisonhoran. I'll always be there for you! Please don't do it. If you can't find a reason, do it for the boys. We want you here (:

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