Q&A Part 2 (:

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@magconlurrv: What's your instagram?

Well I have a few... my personal account is @maditaylorr_ follow me. My magcon fan page is @retromendes & I have a tumblr themed account @tbh2cool SO FOLLOW ME EVERYONE

@im_a_bieber: How long does it take to make a preference or imagine?

It depends, but about 10 minutes to an hour usually (:

@ElaineYo: Have you met any of the boys?

Noooooo :( but I saw Shawn perform at the Austin tour (:

@ElaineYo: How did you find out about the boys?

Well, when I got a vine, I went on popular and saw Nash, and then I was like stalking and found the rest of the boys... & now I'm obsessed.

@ElaineYo: Favorite TV shows?

Teen Wolf, Pretty Little Liars, and Finding Carter

@Johnson_Noa_14: How did you decide to write imagines and preferences?

I just really love writing and so I write about my baes(:

QOTD: Comment your answer to these questions (if they apply)

Magcon Imagines & PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now