Johnson Imagine (:

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This is a personal imagine for @FanFic10155 (:

You were at you state championship basketball game and you could barely breathe due to the nerves. You scanned to crowd, trying to find you boyfriend Jack. When your eyes locked with his, you felt yourself relax a bit. He flashed you a reassuring smile, and you reciprocated it.

As the teams took the court, you felt the nerves overtake your body once again. "Go Emilie!" Jack yelled, making you smile. He was always so supportive of you, you couldn't ask for a better boyfriend.

At half time, your team was trailing by 5, and you more nervous than ever. It was your senior year, so this was your last high school basketball game. Your team was gathered in the locker room, but you stood outside, trying to calm yourself down.

"Emilie," Jack's familiar voice called, and you looked to see him standing at the end of the hallway. You jogged over to him, and he pulled you into a comforting hug.

"I'm so nervous, Jack," you said, your voice muffled against his chest.

"I know baby, but just go do what you do best," he said as he kissed the side of your head.

"But what if I mess up?" you asked, and he shook his head, brushing away the question.

"No buts, just go play basketball. I'll be there cheering you on the whole time," he said, and you felt a wave of confidence rush through your body. "I love you. Go kick ass." Just as he said that, your team came out of the locker room. You watched as Jack walked away, and walked with your team back to the court.

As the game was nearing it's end, your team was ahead by 3, and the clock was slowly ticking down the last seconds. You had the ball, and you were dribbling it, trying to keep it away. As the buzzer sounded, you jumped up, running to your team as you felt tears come to your eyes.

"Em," Jack called and you turned around, coming face to face with your number one supporter. "I'm so proud of you." He picked you up, spinning you around as you giggled.

"I couldn't have done it without the love of my life," you said, winking.

"I love you so much," he said, setting you in your feet.

"I love you too," you said, pressing your lips to his.

"Ew get a room," one of your teammates called and you blushed, pulling away from Jack.

"I'm gonna go celebrate with my team, but thank you so much for being here," you said kissing Jack one more time before going back to your team. "I love you."

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