Dillon Rupp Imagine (:

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You were currently playing truth or dare  with the Magcon boys in the hotel room, and you were sitting by Dillon. You'd been dating him for about 3 months but the boys didn't know about it yet. It was hard to hide it, but you both managed.

"Okay Y/N," Taylor said, looking at you. "Truth or dare?" Normally you would say dare, but it usually involved getting up and you just weren't in the mood.

"Truth," you said, smirking.

"Okay," Taylor said, trailing off. "Umm, do you have a crush on any of us sexy magcon boys?"

Your eyes widened and your cheeks heated at the question. You looked down, playing with your hands. "Well, uh," you stammered, trying to avoid looking at Dillon because it would give it away.

"Ooh, Y/N's got a crush," Taylor said with a wink. The other boys laughed and they all stared at you, as if they were trying to see through you.

"Um," you stuttered some more. You weren't sure if Dillon wanted the boys to know yet so you tried to avoid the topic. "No."

"Lies!" the boys said in a chorus, making you roll you eyes.

"It is a lie," Dillon said, startling you. You looked over at him, seeing a smile playing on his lips. "We've been dating for nearly 3 months." His smile was bright as he looked at you, his arm wrapping around your shoulder.

"Oh my," Taylor said. "Get some bro!" You laughed at the two best friends, curling into Dillon's side. He held you tighter, kissing the top of your head.

"I love you," he whispered, kissing you softly.

"Ew! PDA!" Cameron yelled, making everyone laugh.

"Thanks Cam for pointing that out," You sarcastically said, a smile playing on your lips. This was exactly how you wanted it to be; not having to hide a thing. Living in paradise.

{A/N Hey gorgeous people! Can everyone vote and comment on this, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks baes! I love you all!}

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