Sammy Imagine (:

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Personal imagine for @linoyshokron14

You stood to the side as your boyfriend, Sam, met his fans at your hotel. You loved how happy this made him, but sometimes it made you scared that he was going to find someone better.

You saw a pretty girl, a lot prettier than you, walk up to Sam, her boobs hanging out of her shirt as she talked to your boyfriend. Normally Sam would ignore the flirting of the fans, but this time was different. He had a different look in his eyes as he spoke to her. And his eyes kept lowering to her chest which made you feel insecure. You crossed your arms over your chest, trying to ignore the fact that Sam was flirting with another girl but failing miserably as tears slid down your cheeks watching the whole event unfold.

You watched intently, feeling as if you were invisible to him at this moment. His eyes were fixated on hers and your heart ached at the sight. It was torture to helplessly stand and watch your boyfriend flirt with a much prettier girl. "I'm going to go back to our room," you told Sam, dismissing yourself from the awkward conversation. You walked into your room, tears streaming down your face as you slid down the door to become a crying heap on the floor.

After about 15 minutes of being a mess, you heard a soft knock on the door. "Y/N," you heard Sam's voice softly say, and you sniffled, before saying, "Leave me alone Sam."

"No Y/N, I know you're upset and it's all my fault," he said and you forced back a laugh, knowing he was completely right. You sighed, standing up and opening the door. Sam stood there with a single red rose, a sheepish smile on his face.

"Please forgive me for being a manwhore," he said, and you chuckled, unable to keep the smile off your face.

"It's not even about you flirting with another girl. It's how insecure it makes me and it scares me," you honestly said, and Sam's face turned serious as he pulled you into a bone-crushing hug.

"Please don't be insecure baby," he said as he softly kissed the top of your head. "I don't want you to feel that way. You're the most beautiful girl and I don't need anyone else in my life."

"I just feel like you'll leave me if you find someone better," you said, soft sobs escaping your lips as your tears fell onto his shirt.

"No baby, I could never leave you," Sam said, truth lacing every word as he spoke. He sounded so sincere in his words, and you couldn't help but crumble even more under his delicate touch. It scared you how much he affected your life just by being himself. He was always genuinely sweet, but of course there was his flirty side that never failed to mess with your head.

"Please don't leave me," you mumbled against Sam's shoulder.

"I could never leave such an amazing girl. You're the most important thing in my life, and I mess up our relationship all the time," he said, and you shook your head.

"No Sam, we're both a mess and we need each other," you said as he wiped away your every tear. "I couldn't be without you even if I tried."

"I love you so damn much," he said, forcefully kissing you. The kiss was rough but passionate and this was what you longed for. He made every flaw, every insecurity you had, just disappear, and it you were grateful. He broke you, but he also rebuilt you even stronger than you were before. He was your lifesaver and you could never let him go.

Idk about this, but comment what you thought! I love reading the comments on here and I also love when you guys vote! You guys are the reason I'm doing this (:

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