Preference #56: Cute Moments With Your Kids

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Nash: You were currently laying in your bed with your husband, Nash, when you noticed your door open. You saw your 3 year old daughter, Emily, standing in the doorway, her teddy bear in hand. "Hi, baby," you said and she wiped a tear from under her eye. "What's wrong?" "I had a nightmare that you and daddy died," she said in her small voice.  "Oh, baby, don't worry, me and daddy are both still here," you said as you glanced over at a sleeping Nash. "Can I sleep with you and daddy?" she asked and you nodded, pulling her into bed. You set her in between you and Nash, and she curls up beside you, clutching her teddy bear to her chest. Nash rolls over, slowly opening his eyes. "What are you doing?" he asks Emily, pulling her against his bare chest. "I had a nightmare that you and mommy died," she explained and Nash looked up at you before looking back at Emily. "Well, we're still here and we aren't going anywhere," he says before pressing a kiss to her forehead. He wraps his arm around her and uses his other arm to pull you into their hug. "I love both of my beautiful girls," he says, kissing both you and Emily's foreheads.

Taylor: You had just got home from work and you were currently wandering your house trying to find your husband, Taylor, and your 2  year old son, Jayden. You walked into Jayden's bedroom, seeing Jayden cuddled against Taylor's chest as Taylor talked to him as he was about to fall asleep. "I love you, bud," he said, kissing Jayden's forehead as Jayden shifted in his arms, slowly closing his eyes before drifting off to sleep. You pulled out your phone, snapping a picture before posting it on twitter. "@Y/T/N: my two favorite boys"

Cameron: You watched as Cameron and your oldest daughter, Mia, swayed across the dance floor, her beautiful white dress sweeping across the floor. Cameron had tears in his eyes, you knew how hard it was for him to give away his oldest daughter. You smiled at the sight and you wiped at your tears. "I don't want to give you away," you heard Cameron say to Mia. "Daddy, I'm not going anywhere. I'll always be your little girl," she said, kissing his cheek. You smiled to yourself, snapping a few pictures before setting them as the background of your phone. You watched until their dance ended, and immediately Cameron came over to you. "We did good," he said, pressing a soft kiss to your lips.

Matt: "You can't catch me daddy!" your son, Aidan, yelled as he ran around your backyard. Matt chased after him, making the little boy giggle. Aidan spotted you, running towards you, but ended up tripping, smacking his face against the concrete of you patio. He immediately started screaming, and both you and Matt ran to him. Matt picked him up, noticing his busted chin and immediately went inside to clean him up. As Aidan cried, Matt cleaned up his wound, examining how deep the cut was. "You're going to need stitches, buddy," Matt said, setting Aidan on the counter. You came up behind Matt, watching as he comforted the young boy. "But daddy, it's going to hurt," Aidan complained through sobs and Matt smirked. "But I thought you were a superhero," Matt said and a smile appeared on Aidan's tear-stained face. "I am a superhero, daddy," he said with a grin and Matt chuckled. "Well bud, you gotta be tough then," Matt said, picking Aidan up and carrying him out to the car. "The scar will look mighty cool, dude." Aidan laughed, leaning against Matt before Matt set him in his carseat. "I love you, daddy," Aidan said, and Matt grinned, kissing the top of his head. "I love you, Aidan."

Aaron: "Daddy, have a tea party with me," your 2 year old daughter, Elizabeth, said, pulling on Aaron's hand. You were currently all sitting on the couch, watching a kid's movie. You nudged Aaron, telling him to go have a tea party with her. He obliged and let your daughter drag him up the stairs. You sat on the couch for about another 15 minutes to see how the tea party was going, and when you walked into Liz's room, you saw her and Aaron wearing identical crowns while Liz attempted to show Aaron how to properly hold a tea cup. You smiled to yourself before walking out of the room, leaving them to enjoy the rest of their tea party.

Gilinsky: "Dad! Come play football with me and Trey," your oldest son, Travis, called from downstairs. You were with Jack, watching movies while your two children, who were 12 and 4 were doing whatever downstairs. Jack groaned but got up anyway, trudging downstairs. You rolled your eyes at your husband, but continued to watch the film. After the movie finished, you went downstairs and into your backyard to see Jack carrying your 4 year old son, Trey, on his back as he carried the football. Travis was running after him, the sound of his infectious laugh filling your ears. Trey had a huge grin on his face as his father carried him around the yard. Jack saw you, tossing you the football as he passed by, continuing to run around with little Trey.

Johnson: "Mommy, can I meet my baby sister now," your 3 year old daughter, Paige, said, as Jack carried her into your hospital room. You had just given birth to a beautiful baby girl, named Paisley, and Paige had been dying to meet her ever since she found out that she was going to have a baby sibling. "Yes baby, come here," you said, and Jack set her down onto her feet. She ran over to you, looking at the baby you were holding. "Mommy, she's so cute," she said as she stared at her baby sister. "She looks just like you when you were born," Jack said as he walked over, sitting on the edge of your bed. He pulled Paige into his lap, you asked Paige if she wanted to hold Paisley. She eagerly nodded, and you carefully handed her the baby, and Jack held onto her, making sure she didn't drop Paisley. You grabbed your phone from the bedside table, and snapped a picture of your 3 favorite people on Earth.

Hayes: "Hayes, do not take him dirtbiking, he is only 6," you scolded as Hayes explained his plans to teach your son, Hunter, how to dirtbike. "But mom," Hayes joked, making you roll your eyes. "I'll make sure he's safe at all times." You finally gave in, making Hayes cheer. "We'll be back in like 2 hours," Hayes said before running off to get  Hunter. While they were gone, you anxiously waited them to return, you were way too worried about the getting hurt. Finally, they walked through the door, and Hunter had the biggest smile on his face. "Mommy, that was so awesome," he said and Hayes looked at you, a smirk on his face. You glared at him before turning back to Hunter. "Did you have fun?" you asked him and he nodded, a huge grin on his face. "We're going back tomorrow!" 

Jacob: You had just woken up from a nap, and you heard the sound of a guitar coming from your daughter, Alison's, room. You got up, walking into her room, seeing her sitting with Jacob, his guitar in her hands as he taught her one of the chords. She had a big grin on her face as she strummed the guitar. Jacob looked up at you, smiling before motioning you over. "She's going to be a big star just like you," you whispered to him as you sat down beside him. "I know," he said, kissing your temple before telling Alison to show you what she had learned today. She began to play, and you recognized the song as Ohio, one of your favorite songs that Jacob had ever written. "Wow, that was amazing!" you exclaimed as she finished. "I want to be just like daddy one day!"

Sam: You wee watching TV when you looked outside to see Sam playing basketball with your 3 year old son, David. You got up from the couch, walking outside. Sam handed David the basketball and lifted him to the goal, letting him drop the ball in the net. "Slam dunk!" Sam cheered, hoisting a laughing David into the air, as the sound of his infectious giggles filled your ear. You grinned before walking over to them, you wrapped your arms around Sam's waist and he looked down at you, a smile on his face. "Our son is going to be a basketball star," he said, kissing your forehead.

Shawn:  "Mommy, mommy, we have to show you something!" your 4 year old son, Hayden, said as he pulled Shawn into the living room. Shawn was carrying his guitar, and you furrowed your eyebrows as you looked at him and he just grinned before sitting down beside you. Hayden stood up, a play microphone in hand. "I'm going to perform a song for you," Hayden said, and you smiled, watching him as Shawn began to play the chords of 'I Don't Even Know Your Name.' You grinned as Hayden began singing, Shawn shortly joining in. You had a huge grin on your face throughout the whole song. When they finished singing, Hayden said, "Daddy told me he wrote that song for you a long time ago." You laughed, smiling at them before pulling them both into a hug. "I love y'all so much."

QOTD: What do you want your kid's names to be?

AOTD: I really dont know to be honest. 

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