Cameron Imagine (:

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A/N. Okay Cam is going to get arrested in this, I mean I had to it isn't going to based off of the real events, but I just want him to get arrested because bad boy cam is just heart eyes.

You and Cam were at the carnival for a date, and at the moment, Cam was in the bathroom. You stood to the side, and a guy around your age came up to you.

"Hey," the guy says, his eyes travelling down to your chest. You tried to back away, but the guy only trapped you. "Why don't you come with me. We can have a little fun," he says, his voice low.

"Stop," you say, trying to get away from him. He grabs your arm, pinning it against the wall. You look around, trying to find Cam.

"Quit fighting, cutie, it'll be fun," he says, his eyes moving from your eyes back down to your chest. He swiped his tongue over his lips and you felt like you were going to throw up.

"Hey! Get away from her!" you heard a threatening voice say. Cameron.

"And what are you gonna do if I don't?" the guy asks, and you glance to Cameron. His eyes are dark and he looks like he wants to kill him. Cam steps closer, but the guy doesn't seem to be fazed. Instead, he moves his hands to the side of your face, crashing his lips to yours. The kiss is uncomfortable, and you desperately try to push him off.

"Get off of her," Cameron says, pushing the guy away from you and wrestling him to the ground. Cam throws multiple punches, but the guy fights back, punching Cam and busting his lip.

"Hey get off of him!" a distant voice calls, and you turn to see a carnival security guard rushing over to the two. They both ignore him, and keep fighting. Cameron's lip is all bloody, but the other guy has it worse. Blood was gushing from his nose and he had a black eyes forming.

"I'm calling the cops!" the security guard says, pulling out a cell phone. You watch in horror as the the guy talks to the cops, and soon enough, Cameron and the other guy are being taken away in handcuffs.

"I love you," Cameron mouths to you, a smirk covering his face. You roll your eyes but smile, knowing that he only did it to protect you. He would fight anyone just to save you from danger and you were eternally grateful for that.

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