Shawn Imagine (:

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I stared in disbelief as my boyfriend, Ryan, made out with another girl, right in front of me. My entire world seemed to be collapsing as I watched the scene in front of me. I felt like I was gasping for breath as I ran away, as far away from him as possible. I devoted my entire life to him, and all he can do is freaking make out with another girl?

I looked across the street, seeing a Starbucks and decided to go to it. I didn't see any cars, so I decided to run across. As I began to run across, I saw a car coming towards me at full speed. I tried to move, but it seemed as if my feet were glued to the ground. The car tried to stop, but soon connected with my body, sending me flying through the air. As my body hit the ground, I felt excruciating pain overtake me. The last thing I remember was the pain that overtook me, and my eyes closing to reveal complete darkness.


*Shawn's POV*

I watched as the girl's body flew threw the air, landing on the ground. I looked to my driver, my throat dry as we both got out of the car. Her limp body lay there, blood everywhere. She was beautiful, despite the blood that covered her body.

"Ow," she whimpered, as she tried to move her arms.

"Just stay still, help is coming," I said, taking her fragile hand in mine. A faint smile appeared on her face as she relaxed under my touch, her breathing becoming even.

"Am I dying?" she asked, her voice soft and frail.

"I don't know," I honestly answered, giving her hand a careful squeeze.

"Will you hold me?" she asked, and I nodded, carefully pulling her broken body into my arms. Her eyes began to close, and I knew that this was her last moments. I stared at her beautiful features, admiring her beauty.

"Rest in peace, beautiful. Heaven is going to gain another angel," I said quietly as her body went limp in my arms. As the ambulance came up, they took her limp body from my arms, covering her up.

Although I didn't know her. I didn't even know her name, I still felt connected to that girl. I caused her death, but I held her so she could die peacefully. She was so beautiful, and I knew she was going to be an important part of the rest of my life. In an instant, you could die, but also, in an instant you could let someone die peacefully, holding their limp body in your arms. It touches you, holding someone as they die. They choose you to hold them as the take their last breath as they drift away to neverland. This girl was going to mean the world to me and I didn't even know her name.

She was going to be my angel...


WHAT DID I JUST WRITE? IDEK. But comment your thoughts on this highly weird imagine. At least I updated (:

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