Jack J Imagine (:

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You scrolled through your twitter mentions, every tweet seeming to be hate. You took several deep breaths, trying to force away negative thoughts from your mind. You didn't want to go back to your old ways, but rhe hate you had been getting recently was hurting. Ever since you started dating Jack, everything seemed to get better. You were 8 months clean, and you didn't want to relapse into those ways again. Jack never found out, even though you had been cutting for 4 months while dating him. You realized that he was going to help you through it, even without realizing he was doing so. He was practically your savior.

But the hate was killing you, and you wanted to release the pain. You felt tears slide down your cheeks, and you tried to quickly wipe them away before Jack would return and see them. You struggled keep your breathing steady, each breath more shakier than the last. You heard Jack's footsteps and you looked down at your phone, trying to avoid any eye contact with him. He took the seat on the couch next to you, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you to his body. You subconsciously leaned into his shoulder, you felt safe this way. You kept scrolling through the hate, even though you knew you shouldn't.

"Are you okay?" Jack asked, removing his arm from your shoulder. He turned to face you, pulling you onto his lap.

"Yeah I'm fine," you said as you took a shaky breath.

"Baby, you sound like you're crying," he said, lifting your chin up to meet his eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," you mumbled, still trying to avoid the eye contact. He sighed, pulling you tight to his chest.

"Are you scrolling through hate?" he asked, taking your phone from your hands. He scrolled on your phone, his expression turning from concern to anger. "Why can't they just leave you alone? You're perfect!" He seemed to be as hurt over this as you were.

"Because I'm ugly," you muttered, shrugging.

Jack gasped, tightening his grip around you and kissing your forehead. "No babe, you're absolutely gorgeous and you're the most amazing girl I've ever met. And you know why I love you?"

"Why?" you quietly asked.

"Because you're strong," he stated proudly, his grin wide.

"What do you mean?" you asked, your eyebrows furrowing.

He took your wrist, looking at it. "These scars you have made, I've seen them baby girl. I know you were in pain before, but you got through it," he said, kissing the scars. "I didn't mention them to you earlier because I didn't want to upset you. But you have battle wounds now. You got through this and now you're stronger than ever."

"You're the reason Jack," you said, kissing his cheek as a tear slowly slid down it.

"And I'm honored. I'm glad I have given you a reason to smile that beautiful smile of yours. I love you so much beautiful angel," he said, tightly holding you against his chest. "Please, always stay strong for me."

"I promise Jack," you whispered, softly kissing him.

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