Hayes Imagine (:

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It was a Saturday morning and you had just woken up, feeling nauseous. You groaned, leaning your head against your pillow. You had a date planned with your boyfriend Hayes, but you could barely even move. You felt absolutely horrible. You grabbed your phone, quickly texting him. "Sorry babe but I'm sick. I can't make our date. I love you." You felt bad cancelling but you felt like crap. He answered with a sad face, saying he would see you at school. You tried to fall back asleep, but you felt even worse, feeling as if you were going to throw up. You rushed to the bathroom, vomiting in the toilet. "Babe," you heard a soft voice say as they pulled your hair back. It was Hayes. You finished vomiting, sighing as you sat on the floor. "Come on baby girl, lets get you cleaned up," Hayes said, pulling you to your feet. He grabbed a towel, wiping your face. "I brought you some soup," he said once you walked back into your room. "Thank you," you weakly said, sitting on the edge of your bed. You took the soup, eating it as Hayes comfortingly rubbed your back. "I love you baby girl," he whispered in your ear, kissing it. "I love you Hayes. Thank you for coming here," you weakly smiled. "I couldnt leave my sick girl all alone," he sweetly said making you realize how blessed you were to have him in your life.

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