Who my characters are based from

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I would like to talk to you about who I based my characters from I just thought it would be interesting to tell you since I've got nothing better to do.

Aries- princess jasmine (Aladdin), flame princess (adventure time)

Taurus- Jughead Jones ( Riverdale)

Gemini- Blair Waldorf (gossip girl)

Cancer- Damon Salvatore (tvd), jade west (victorious), my sister

Leo- based him of no one

Virgo- cliche Virgos, girl Ik

Libra- Stefan Salvatore (tvd)

Scorpio- based him of no one

Sagittarius- Ambrose Spellman (caos)

Capricorn- little bit from Tyler Lockwood (tvd)

Aquarius- a mix of Elijah and kol mikealson (TO)

Pisces- Ariel (the little mermaid)

Ophiuchus- klaus Mikealson (TO), Katherine Pierce (tvd)

Orion- little bit of Rebekah Mikealson (TO)

Most are from the vampire diaries and the originals because I'm a huge fan. I also wanna mention that the originals (and Sagittarius) have English accents because I love English accents even though I am British.

My book has also just been ranked n.5 in zodiac!!!!! Thank you to everyone who has been reading, voting and commenting I really appreciate it! ❤️


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