Jonathan and Ash follow me into the house. Ash looks around him. "Do you want to take Ash to the guest room across from ours? I will take Clary and Jace and the kids to the institute and I will be back" I ask Jonathan. "Sure," Jonathan says. "Do you want me to take Zillah?" Ash asks. "If you want to," I say and pass him Zillah and she holds onto him looking around her too.

I go over to the garage and my keys are missing. I go into the breakfast nook and see mom sitting at the small table drinking her coffee. "Alice. I missed you. I am so happy you are here for the weekend" she says giving me a hug. I hug her back. "I missed you too mom. Jonathan is showing Ash to the guest room over by mine" I tell her. "That's good," she says. "Where are my car keys? The convertible car keys are gone" I ask. "Oh, your father traded that car in and got a bigger one for you that can fit more people in it since it isn't just you now. It's that white 2018 Nissan rogue" mom informs me. I don't like that my dad traded in my convertible but I guess I can understand why he did it. At least I guess I do. "I am going to go take Clary and Jace to the place they are staying at and then I will be right back," I tell her. "Alright. Lucy isn't awake yet so no rush" she says.

I go back to the garage and get the car keys for my new Nissan rogue.

I pull it out of the garage and clary gets in the passenger side

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I pull it out of the garage and clary gets in the passenger side. Jace, Braxton, and Grace get in the back. I take them to the institute and I notice Emma Carstairs is waiting out front for them. She greets them and takes them inside.

I go back to my childhood home. Jonathan and Ash are getting settled in their rooms. "Momma," Zillah says. She puts her hands in the air for me to pick her up and I do. "I am going to take her down to go see my mom. You and Ash can come down when you are ready" I tell Jonathan.

I take Zillah downstairs and see my mom still at the breakfast nook table. "Hey mom," I say and sit down with her. "Hi, Alice. Hi Zillah. I missed you too little girl" mom says and waves at Zillah. She just looks at her. "Your father left to go play golf about an hour ago," mom says. "Oh okay then. I can't wait to see daddy again. I missed you all" I tell her. "We missed you too Alice. I am so happy I can see you again. Even if it is only for a few days" she says. "Me too momma," I say.

Lucy comes down in the room a little while later. She grins when she sees me and gives me a hug. "It's so good to see you," she says. "You to Lu," I say. "Did Ash come with you too?" she asks. "Yeah, and so did Echo and Bear," I say. "Yay! I missed them. Its been so long since I have seen Bear" she says. "I know, he is the same as he was when you met him but older," I say. "Where is Bear," Lucy asks. "Probably upstairs with Jonathan or Ash. I didn't see Echo when I got back home and went to get Zillah so he is around here somewhere" I answer.

"I wish your brother was able to come home. Then our whole family could be together again" mom says. "Yeah, that would be nice but I will take what I can get," I say. "Have you seen Peter lately?" Lucy asks. "Yeah, the last week of June he and Aubrey came and stayed with us," I tell her. "Good. I am glad at least one of us gets to see him sometimes" mom says. "I don't see Peter a lot but when I do he stays at our house if he ever comes to Idris. He usually only stays for a few days only at a time" I tell them.

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