Reunion P.2 ✨

541 15 9

Song for the mood:
Sorry - nothing but thieves.

Fluffy angst

Word count: 841 words!

Aurora 'Auri' Jie Lin O'Malley
Kallis Idraban Gilwraeth

Kal's POV (switching it uuuup)

I wake up on the bed me and Aurora once shared. It was strange, being back. I felt like a piece of me had been missing, when I was away from her.

I looked through the room. A photo wall covered with thousands of photos. A small bookshelf overflowing with books. There was a little dresser where my be'shmai must have kept her clothes.

I got up and had a look at the thousands of photos on the wall. There were so many new memories.

I saw a photo with Auri laying down on a table, getting a tattoo. There were two others next to it of a close up of the tattoos.
There was a siif and a warbreed cabal sygil underneath it on the back of her neck.
There was also three rings of colourful flowers on her arm.

I saw another photo of Auri in the snow, her hair tied up and full of snow, wearing my black hoodie. She was smiling, beautifully.
I didn't realise how much I had missed that smile.

There was another photo with everyone screaming out songs in a bar, wearing party clothes.

I realise that there is no photos of me, and my face falls. I go to the small bookshelf, and open a book.
And photos fall out.

I realise she had hollowed out a book, hiding away the photos of us. There were hundreds.

Us on our first date.
Us watching movies on her uniglass.
Her dancing to music with me.
Us kissing.

I missed those kisses.

I opened another book, only to have letters tumble out.
They were addressed to me.

Dear Kal,
God. I miss you. So so much. I wish we never dumped you on Sempiternity.
I miss your kisses. I miss the way you held me when I was sad. I miss the small, secret smiles. I miss the dancing together. I miss showing you weird human stuff.
I miss everything about you.
Oh. Now I'm crying.
Goodbye, Kal.

I open another letter.

Hey Kal!
I made huge progress on the fighting tips that you taught me! I'm really good now! Good enough to protect the squad!
Thank you, Kal. Thank you.
I hope your doing okay. I know we are, for once. Cat and Ty (finally) started dating.
We all knew that would happen. I'm really happy for them, but I can't help the fact that it reminds me of what we had.
Love, your be'shmai.

I smile, happy for the first time in a while.

I go through the letters, happy, sad, angry, depressed. I didn't realise how much she cared about me.

I put away the letters carefully, inside the book. I wipe my eyes and smile sadly.

Through the hour of reading, I didn't realise Auri had slipped inside the room, and sat on the floor, watching me. Matching tears on her face.

She's even more beautiful than I remember. Her hair is tied in a ponytail, and she was wearing my cut up hoodie and black jeans.
I see she was wearing the little diamond promise ring I had given her on our first date on Merida 9.

She crawls over to me and I feel her touch for the first time in a year. She wraps her arms around me and nestles her head next to my neck,
sobbing. I wrap my arms around her waist, and talk to her for the first time in a year.

"I missed you, be'shmai."
She sobs again and brings her mouth to mine. I melt into the kiss, full of unspoken apologies. She breaks the kiss and smiles.

"I missed you too, Kal. I'm so so sorry. I should've-"
I cut her off with another kiss.
"All is forgiven, be'shmai. All is forgiven."

The squads POV

We open the door after three hours of waiting and see Kal and Auri, asleep in each others arms.

Scar runs to her room to grab her camera to add another photo to the wall.

Screams Scar. Auri, being the awfully heavy sleeper that she is, stayed asleep. But Kal woke and shot the Scar a death glare.

"Let her sleep, please." He says as Auri stirs, clinging to Kal's arm. As we start to leave, I say this

"You hurt her again, and I'll make you regret it. She stayed in her room for weeks when you left. She wasn't the same. She's like my little sister. So don't even think about leaving her again. You got me?" I growl.
Auri started giggling.
"If he hurts me again,  your gonna have to get in line." She says, through laughs.
I think I see a flash of fear cross Kal's face, gone in an instant.
"Wait, when did you wake up?" He says.
"A while ago, but I didn't want to wake you up."

And so squad 312 was back together.

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