The hospital

376 14 25

I don't have a song :)

Word count:
1183 words :)

Angsty fluffy nightmare

Yes, I know it's probably boring but at this point I don't care.

Aurora 'Auri' Jie Lin O'Malley
Kallis Idraban Gilwraeth
Scarlett Isobel Jones
Tyler 'Goldenboy' Jones
Cat 'zero' Brannock
Zila Madran
Finian De Karran De Seel

Auri's POV

With a final scream of defeat, the twenty-second planet the Ra'haam has consumed is destroyed, and I collapse in a heap, the darkness engulfing me.

I walk towards the white light at the end of the tunnel, as my friends voices fade out.

I wonder if they will miss me.


I wake up in a -what looks like- an old Terran hospital room from my time.

"Holy shit! Someone get a nurse, she's awake!" I hear a girl yell at someone out of my sight.

I see a flaming red bob, and a short skirt. There's a number of machines around me, and it's so bright.

Where am I?

"Hello, Miss? Can you hear me?" I hear a woman saying. My vision is fuzzy, and I can barely make out pale skin and bone-white hair.

"I-", I rasp, surprised at how my voice sounds like I haven't used it in centuries, "I can hear y-you."

"Ok, that's great! My name is Nurse De Stoy. Can you tell me your name?" She says, fake cheer in her voice.

"My-my name is Aurora Jie Lin O'Malley. A-Auri for s-short." I manage out.

"Well, hello there Auri! I'll go grab you some water." She says, and practically skips out the room.

I sit up, and have a look at my surroundings. There's a pale boy in a bed opposite me, with a girl with dark skin, and blue nurse scrubs leaning over him.

I see a blonde boy and a girl with a dark red bob arguing in the corner, over a girl with a faux hawk and tattoos laying in bed.

There's arguing outside, too. A tall boy with a black eye and his long, silver hair in low ponytail arguing with a man with prosthetic front arms and another man with the same silvery hair as the boy.

"Oh, well, look here, sleeping beauty is up." The pale boy says, sitting up from his bed and sliding into a wheelchair.

He wheels towards me and says, "Fin De Seel, master of incredible wit and owner of a body that hates me, at your service."

Two of the kids in the corner snicker, and introduce themselves as Cat Brannock and Scarlett Jones. The hot blondies name is Tyler Jones, and the nurse that was working with Fin is Zila.

"So, what are you in here for?" I ask them.

I find out that Fin is here because of a rare disease that attacks the muscles in your body and causes them not to work.

Cat is in here for getting over a drinking addiction.

Tyler and Scarlett are the kids of the owner of the hospital, which is called Auroras Hospital. They're generally just here for morale support.

Zila is training to become a nurse, but she doesn't speak much though.

After a while, I remember what I was in here for. I was training for the Octavia Mission, and I must of been hit by something, because I blacked out for a few days.

The boy outside has stopped arguing with the adults, and has walked inside our room, leaning against the wall. The others don't seem to like him much, though.

I wonder why.

"Sooooo, what's your name?" I ask him.

He barely looks up at me, pausing before saying that his name is Kal.

He looks pretty beaten up. I wonder what happened to him.

Nurse De Stoy comes back with some food and water, and I devour it, loving every bit.

"Do you want to call your father and tell him your okay?" She asks, but I shake my head. I don't want to deal with his drunken BS right now.

Nurse De Stoy smiles, and leaves the room, only stopping for whispering a few words to Kal. He rolls his eyes, and goes back to glaring daggers at the floor.

I get up and out of bed, attempting to walk. I take a few steps and stumble,
"OH SHI-" I yell, and I'm caught by someone.

I look up, and it's Kal, staring back at me. I give him a small smile, and a quick thanks, and walk out the door of room 312, hoping he didn't see the blush creeping up my face.


I'm walking back to room 312, when I see a familiar face.


This was gonna be bad.

I run inside room 312, and slam the door shut, praying to whatever god there is that he doesn't get in.

"AURORA? LET ME IN YOU LITTLE BITCH! I KNOW YOUR IN THERE!" He shouts, banging on the door in a drunken rage.

I try and lock the door, but, lucky me, there isn't one. So I just sit down against the door, praying that it'll hold.

It's only Fin and Kal in the room, the others all live in an apartment together.

Fin and Kal are asleep, but I don't know how much longer that'll be, considering how loud my father is being.

Tears start trickling down my face, and I wonder what will happen when I have to go home.

I touch the long scar that starts from my shoulder and ends at the bottom of my back. I had gotten it from a shard of a broken beer bottle that my dad had thrown at me.

I shut my eyes, and try and will it all away, knowing that finally, finally I'll be free on Octavia III

I eventually fall asleep there, on the cold floor of the hospital, blissfully unaware of everything.

Kal's POV

She sits there, head leaning against the door that her father in dully pounding on, tears streaming down her perfect face.

She doesn't realise that I'm there, awake, ready for her if she needs me.

She falls asleep on the cold floor of the hospital, finally at peace from life.

I get up and walk silently against the cold floor of the hospital, towards her.

I scoop Aurora up in my arms, and bar the door. I set her down on my bed, so she can at least sleep comfortably, while I stand watch against her father, praying that he won't get in.

All is peaceful.
All is well.


So I had the idea that what if Auri was in a dream/coma or something, and the members of Squad 312 were in the hospital, helping her.

Also, I had the idea for, so ya know how Auri's dad and Cat were taken over by the Ra'haam?
What if there was an irl thing like it.
Like say, addiction.

Cat and Zhang Ji both struggled with acholism. Cat tried to fight it, as she did with the Ra'haam, but Zhang just kinda.... gave in.

I don't know, I just had the idea.

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