Son of a starkiller P.2 ✨

933 17 28

There isn't a song in that chapter. Sorry


Word count: 812 words.

Zila Madran
Aurora 'Auri' Jie Lin O'Malley
Kallis Idraban Gilwraeth
Scarlett Isobel Jones

Auri's POV

"Zila, I'll distract him, you run!" I explained quickly, stuffing the snacks into a bag. "On three."


We both ran at Kal at the same time, Kal leaning towards me to catch.
Zila ducked under Kals arm, escaping the syldrathi giant.

I wasn't so lucky.

I tried to duck under his arm as well, but Kal grabbed me and pushed me against the wall.

I couldn't kick my leg high enough to kick him in the babymaker, but I was able to sucker punch him in the gut.

He bent over, and I started sprinting away. Unfortunately for me, I was small, and Kal had long legs, catching up to me. He grabbed hard enough on my arm that I knew it would leave marks.

He pulls me back to him, and I try and wiggle away. I realise I have a spare arm. But he doesn't realise that yet.

"What the hell do you want Kal"
"To talk."
"Says the guy who's grabbing onto my arm like he's trying to rip it off."
He gently releases my arm, and seeing an opportunity, I punch him in the jaw.

Then I sprinted away to Scarletts room,
Locking the door. And sliding against it, panting.

"Shit, girl, what happened?" Scarlett asked.
"Got in a fight with my psycho ex."

BANG BANG BANG we hear, on the door.

"Aaaaaand that'll be him."
"Auri, let me talk!"
"No. Please go away."
"Fine, stay there. But we ain't talking."

I turn to Fin
"Fin, can you put on the movie?"

We started watching the Lord Of The Rings, with the occasional bang on the door, and the shout of "AURI? LET ME IN!"


After the third movie, everyone started heading to sleep, with Fin and Scar curled up together, Zila on the top bunk, and me standing guard.

I put on one of Kals old jackets, because I was cold and craved the memories of before.

I was scared that what Kal and I had before was gone. And I didn't want to be alone.

I reached inside the jacket and saw a photo of Kal and I at an ice cream parlour on one of jupiters moons, Europa. It was a beautiful date, walking through the underwater city, admiring the creatures in the water.

Before I realised, I was crying. Sobbing into Kals jacket. I didn't want him to leave. Then I realised that the banging and shouting on the door had stopped.

I had decided to open the door, and try and talk to Kal, while everyone was asleep. As I edged open the door, I saw Kal leaning against the wall. He was crying.

"Hey" I whispered.
He gave me a small, watery smile. I sat down next to him.
"I'm scared."I tell him.
"I know."
I lean into him. My head leans on his chest, Kal hugging me there, both crying, not knowing what would happen next.

After a while, he says.
"The Hadfield. After pulling you back to the ship. Do you remember?"
I realise he's clinging to good memories.
"Dancing to Wonderwall."
"Ice cream on Europa."
"Staying up late to talk to each other."
"Watching you scream to music."
"You know, I never told you how beautiful you looked in the dress you wore to Bianchis ball."

I answered him by kissing him. A small kiss, filled with tears and apologies and unspoken promises.

"Keep the jacket, be'shmai. It looks good on you."
I blushed."I'm sorry for hitting you. You didn't deserve it."
"Maybe I did. I didn't tell you the truth, Aurora. I'm am truly sorry."
"It's okay, Kal. We'll be okay."

And like that, in each others arms, was where we fell asleep.


When we woke up, the others were already up, watching yet another movie, with breakfast.

"Morning be'shmai."

We got up and made breakfast. I made some Just Like Real Pancakes! For everyone, and opened the door to Scars room.

"Morning lovebird."Scar and Finn say, with a smirk.
"We saw you with Kal."
"Oh mothercustard. Is it okay?"
"Yeah, we see why he wanted to keep it hidden. Let him in, he deserves snacks."
"Thanks you guys."

I left to go get Kal.

He was in our room, looking at photos of us.
"Hey, you"
"Hello, be'shmai."
"The others say it's okay for you to watch movies with them, come on!" I say with excitement, jumping up and down.
Kal smiles and follows me to Scars room.



After enduring millions of Syldrathi/Elf jokes, and with Aurora at his side, Kal was for the first time in a while, at peace with himself.

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