~ Part 39 ~ Werewolf, Rat, Dog, and the Reindeer ~

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Werewolves of London - Warren Zevon

-Lily POV-

I shoot up from the rock into a standing position. I just stand there, frozen for a moment. Until I hear another howl, this one closer.

It seemed to come from the edge of the Forbidden Forest. I decide that maybe I can go back inside now. Wow, great idea Lily. Sometimes your genius is just flabbergasting.

I tell my mind to shut it, and slowly walk backwards, eyes locked on the dark forest. I then see three figures that I can't really make out. They look like animals, and I feel a shiver down my spine. They aren't coming in my direction, though, so that's a pro.

A con, though, is that I'm too paralyzed to move any quicker than slowly backing up.

I squint as the creatures move closer, and can feel myself pale as I recognize the animal in the front as a werewolf. And then... behind the werewolf is a... black dog and a reindeer...? And a rat?

"What the bloody hell?" I ask. Then I clamp my hand over my mouth, but it's too late. I see the werewolf change it's course, heading now in my direction.

Then the werewolf comes straight for me, only what seems 30 or so yards away. I stand there paralyzed, unable to move. I try to back away, but my damned feet won't listen.

As it comes closer, I think something snaps in me, and my stupid body finally comes to its senses, and starts to back away again.

But then-quite the odd sight, I have to admit, but now is definitely not the time for commentary-the dog jumps onto the werewolf, making it stagger to the right and direct it's attention towards said dog.

The reindeer comes bounding over to me, and stops right in front of me. It stares at me, and I stare right back into it's doe-eyes. They're a hazel color, with a few streaks of gold and green that I recognize but I just can't place. Then it's pupils almost dilate, and it looks around, as if just remembering where we are. It bows it's head, and I understand what it's trying to tell me.

I climb onto the reindeer's back, and try to get a good grip. It races over to the doors into Hogwarts in no time, and stops. I slip off it's back, and look at it. I stare into it's eyes, and it stares right back, yet again.

There is something so familiar about those eyes!

But before I can look at it again, it turns away, and runs off in the direction of the werewolf.

Right! The werewolf.

I push open the doors, and look back only to see the three figures fading back into the darkness of the Forbidden Forest.

I rush back into Hogwarts, and to Fredrick's painting. I mutter Quaffle and hop up the stairs.

I jump into bed, and squeeze my eyes shut a moment, then open them back up just to check that I wasn't dreaming. I wasn't though, because my skin still felt cold from the night air and my heart was still pounding.

Well, then. Isn't that something?

~ ~ ~


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