~ Part 75 ~ MINNIE! ~

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Are You Gonna Be My Girl  -  Jets

-Lily POV-

That next Monday morning I'd woken up extra early, snuck down into a broom closet near Transfiguration with my book, sat on the ground and started reading, deciding I'd read up until it's time for class.

Yesterday I hadn't gotten the chance to tell James that he and Eloise needed to talk, because he had had a Marauders Girls Night in the Gryffindor dorms.

I'm hoping that in Transfiguration, my first class today, I can say something to him.

Anyways, back to my book.

To draw a parallel, chef-grade cooking doesn't happen naturally: it starts at the point where people know how to prepare and enjoy food, are curious about it and willing to take trouble preparing it, read recipe hints, and find they are helped by one or two techniques. It's hard to make mayonnaise by trial and error, for instance.

Gourmet s—

I'm taken out of my little reading world when I hear the door to the closet swing open, and someone scamper in. I can see their silhouette as they shut the door quickly, and perch themselves so their ear is up against the door.

I raise an eyebrow.

I already have a small light with my wand, but I suppose they didn't notice, so I make it brighter.

"Lumos," I mutter, and the closet along with the person is lit up.

I'd recognize that raven hair anywhere.

James jumps, tense, and turns around. He visibly deflated when he sees it was me.

Breathing heavily, he puts his hand over his chest. "Sweet Merlin! You gave me a fright!"

I chuckle. "What are you doing?"

"What am I doing? What are you doing sitting here in a dark closet?" He asks.

"Well, I had a little light, but I guess you just didn't notice," I answer. "Anyways, I'm reading," I continue. "What are you doing, then?"

He gets a guilty look on his face. "Well... I saw Mary and Remus talking, so I... uh..."

I raise an eyebrow. "Decided to spy on them?"

He shoots me a grin. I roll my eyes.

James comes over and sits next to me against the wall. "Whatcha readin?"

I glance down at my book, and my eyes widen, heat creeping up my neck. "Erm, nothing you would find interesting," I say hurriedly, and try to put the book away.

James shoots me a mischievous smile. "Oh, don't tell me Lily Evans is passing up a chance to ramble about a book she's reading."

And just as I'm slipping the book into my book bag, I feel it taken out of my hands. "Wait—"

"I'll take that," James says in a sing song voice, and flips it so he can read the cover. My red face in my hands, I can just picture his face as he reads the cover. "The... Joy of Sex."

"By Alex Comfort," I recite miserably.

"You're reading a book called... The Joy of Sex," I can just hear the smirk in his voice.

I sigh and look up at him, the smirk present just as I had expected. I sigh. "Yes, yes I am."

"You know, I have countless wonderful, dirty jokes swimming through my mind, but I don't particularly want any bruises so I'll keep them to myself," James comments. I groan.

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