~ Part 76 ~ Snogging, Eh? ~

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Black or White - Michael Jackson

-Lily POV-

Transfiguration that day had been so awkward. Maybe it was just me, but everyone seemed to be stealing glances at me and James, and whispering to each other.

Goddamnit, Sirius. Always have to cause drama.

Well... anyways, right now I am sitting in my usual spot for Potions. I'm a bit early; I ate lunch quick.

I see Slughorn come lumbering in, patting his stomach after eating. "Oh! Lily, came early, I see," he comments happily. "Today we are doing the Hair-Raising Potion, if you wanted to get a head start; get to the right page in the book?"

"Sure, Professor," I reply, and take out my Potion text book. I turn to page 493, the one I know has the Hair-Raising Potion recipe on it.

After a while of reading the ingredients and such, people started to trail in.

And some time or other, Marlene came and sat down beside me, and Sirius behind us.

"Oi, Evans, have a good snog?" Sirius asks smugly from behind me. I look down, and can feel beat creeping up my neck.

Marlene shoots me a confused smirk. "What's he on about?"

"Noth-" I start hurriedly.

"Oh, that's a lovely story, that is," Sirius interrupts me. Oh Merlin. "See, there I was, just hopping down the corridor. I found Minnie and her whole class out of the classroom. But wait! Not her whole class! Your very own Lily Evans was gone! And who else was gone with her? None other than the James Potter who sits right beside me."-he pats James's seat-"Thus completing the lovely, everyone-knew-it-was-gonna-happen, newly coupled couple."

I put my head face-down onto the desk, my cheeks hot.

"And what was Minnie doing? She was arranging a search for these two missing students! And I, being the clever lad I am, knew exactly where they were, and led the search party to the place that Prongs and Lily were! A..."-Sirius does a drumroll on his lap-"broom closet! And what were they doing, you ask? ...Snogging!"

Marlene laughs and claps her hands.

I groan, lifting up my head. "Was it really necessary to explain that in such depth?"

"Oh, utterly," Sirius replies, smirking.

I roll my eyes and turn back to Marlene, who's grinning at me. Wait, no, she's smirking too.

"Snogging, eh?" Marlene chirps.

I drag my hand down my face. And I'm saved by Slughorn who starts his lesson.

"Alright, students! We have a fun lesson today. The Hair-Raising Potion-" Slughorn starts.

"But in second year didn't we-" someone interrupts.

"Yes, yes, in second year you did a homework assignment, but that was just writing. Today we will be brewing it," Slughorn continues. "You can find the recipe on page 493 of your textbooks!" He pauses. "Well! I won't keep you waiting! Gather your ingredients and begin brewing!"

I glance at the seat beside Sirius, who is behind me; noticing it's vacancy. My eyebrows scrunch. James isn't here...

I blink out of thought to Marlene snapping in my face. "Lils. You start up the cauldron, I'll grab the stuff," she instructs. I salute to her as she goes to stand up, and she sticks her tongue out at me.

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