~ Part 19 ~ I Need A Place To Sit ~

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How You Remind Me - Nickleback

-Lily POV-

"Yeah, I'm sure," James says, obviously in a sarcastic manner.

I kick him in the shin, smile mock-sweetly at him, and walk out towards the Marauders compartment. I take a quick glance behind me, and James is staring at me, and following me. I turn back and smile.

I don't exactly know why I had kissed him, it had definitely came out of nowhere. But I'm at least glad that it's sorted out, and we can just forget, and just be... um... mates... ?

I turn and see the compartment, with 7 laughing teenagers inside. There's Marlene, Mary, Alice, Frank, Sirius, Remus, and Peter. Marlene, Mary, Alice and Frank are sitting on one side, with Frank's arm around Alice. Peter is against the window on the opposite side, then Remus next to him, then Sirius. Marlene is laughing at something Mary said, while Frank and Alice are there with blushed cheeks-I bet you Mary said something about how cute they are together, because they are. Sirius and Remus seem to be having a heated discussion about something, and Sirius is stuffing his face with Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans. Peter is just idly staring out the window.

I notice James standing next to me, staring not at the scene in front of us, but at me. I blush, and look away. He just smiles ruefully, chuckling to himself.

James grabs the handle to the door, slides it open, walks in, and plops down by Sirius. All the Marauders greet him in some boyish manner.

I shut the door, and lean against it, noticing there isn't a seat left for me.

"Lily! I haven't seen you since 6th year!" Alice exclaims. She blows me kisses. "It's so good to see you and your wonderfully red head of hair!"

"Me neither! And now we're all cool 7th years, ruling the school," Mary agrees.

"Lils! So good to see you." Marlene says. "Ah... I see you've figured out who Head Boy is." She smirks. The boys turn to us.

"LILYFLOWER!" Sirius shouts, very loudly might I add.

I glower are him. "Don't call me that," I growl. "Honestly, how many times do I have to repeat that until it doesn't go in one ear and out the other?"

"Lovely to see you too," Sirius responds with a mischievous smile. "And I can't help but notice, Lilyflower, that you let me call you that over the summer, which just leads me to wonder why on earth that has changed!"

"Well that's because I didn't want the public to see me strangling someone." At my response he backs off, raising his hands in surrender.

"Fine, fine. Be that way," he says.

"Lily, it's good to see you," Remus says. "How was your summer?"

"Oh... well, I would've rather been at Hogwarts. I was either bored, or getting insulted by my sister," I respond.

I share a look with Sirius. We may always bicker, but over time he's been more like a brother to me than anything. We both have families that we don't fit in in, and a family member or two that hates us. When either of us were really down about something involving family, we'd just talk with each other; have a nice Sirius and Lily Fun-Night that most always consisted of Butterbeer, braiding hair, and monopoly.

"Well, how were your all's summers?" I ask.

"I went on a trip to Egypt," Mary answers. "It really was quite spectacular, all the old pyramids and such."

"Oh, well, we got to go to Paris for a few days because of my mother's work, but otherwise it was pretty boring," Marlene says. We turn to Alice. She and Frank both blush a little.

"I went to America to visit family, and erm... I spent most of the rest of the vacation at Frank's house," she mumbled. We all smirk at her and Frank, but stay quiet.

"I just spent most of my time at home, so pretty uneventful. Except I did visit Lily's a couple of times, along with going to James's," Remus says.

"Oh yeah!" I say, remembering.

"Wait, what?" James asks.

"Me and Remus live really near each other. Just a few streets over," I respond.

"What?! And you didn't think to tell me, Remus?" James asks. Then he face palms. "Oh my gosh! I literally went to Lily's neighborhood for when we went to the movies! I can't believe I didn't realize that!" I chuckle at him.

"Well, what're we gonna do?" Marlene asks.

"Um, excuse me but I need a place to sit," I say.

"Oh yeah..." Marlene trails off. Then a devilish smirk plasters on her face.

Oh. Well that's a bit worrying.

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