~ Part 51 ~ Why Don't I Get Us Some Punch ~

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Can't Buy Me Love - The Beatles

-Lily POV-

"Well then, Evans," James quips with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. "Care to dance?"

"Of course, Potter," I reply. "I'd love to."

He gives me a grin, grabs my arm, and pulls me over to the dance floor. Some weird banjo song is on, and I scrunch my nose up in distaste.

"Weird song," James comments.

"Hopefully they'll play better music than this," I agree. The song fades away, and I hear the beginning of another start loudly.

"Can't buy me lo-ove!
Can't buy me lo-ove!"

I heard the speakers ring out one of my favorite songs!

"Yes! I love this song!" I yell. "EVERYONE OUT OF THE WAY!" I yell even louder. People look over at me, and move away so it's me and James in the middle of a clearing in the crowd. Normally I'd be nervous to be in front of so many people, but this is my jam, and I got this.

James looks at me in confusion, and I give him a mischievous grin. "Just follow my lead," I murmur to him.

I jump and then spread out my legs, and formed my hands into peace signs across my eyes. I look back with a smile, and see James mirroring my actions, just a bit more clumsier. I slide to the left, then slide to the right, and jump in the middle. I do my hands up in the wave. James does the same. Then I do it again, then he does it again.

We keep dancing all throughout the song, and most everyone is just clapping along to the beat.

The song finishes, and on the last beat I do a little jump, but my heel hits the ground the wrong way, and I feel my body getting pulled down by gravity. I shut my eyes, waiting for impact, but instead of the hard floor, I feel myself in strong arms. I open my eyes, to find two hazel ones looking back at me. I feel my cheeks heat up as I find myself staring maybe a bit too long. I blink, and then find my balance, standing up.

"Damned heels," I mutter. James opens his mouth, with a growing smirk, but I quickly cut him off. "If you say something about me falling for you again, I swear, Potter—"

"Alright, alright. Be that way," James says with a grin. I look around to find everyone staring at us. I imagine my cheeks are quite red right now.

Fortunately, another song comes on, and people look away, starting to dance around. I let out a breath, and my face turns back to its normal color. I look over at James, who's looking at me with a smirk.

"You're quite cute when you blush," He says. "Have I mentioned that before?"

"I believe you have..." I murmur, looking down as my cheeks get hot yet again.

"Well then," James says with a playful grin. "Why don't I go get us some punch?"

I nod, and see him disappear into the crowd. To pass the time, I do a little jig along to the music. Then I see him come back almost immediately after he left.

"That was quick," I say with a laugh. I inspect him, and notice his robes seem to be a deeper scarlet than what they were a minute ago. He notices me looking at him, and I look down, half-grinning, expecting some flirty comment from him.

"What are you looking at?" James asks instead, quite coldly. I look up and arch my eyebrow. "You actually thought I liked you!" He says with a bitter laugh. My eyebrow goes back down, and scrunch up.

"What?" I ask, confused. I hadn't even said anything.

"I said, you actually thought I liked you?" He repeated harshly. I feel my jaw tighten at his words. "Well, I don't."

I just look at him, perplexed. I blink.

"You see, Lily, you are just a game. But now that I've finally gotten you, I don't believe I'll be playing anymore," James says with a cold smirk.

I expect my face looked some mixture of angry, sad, and affronted. I walk forward, and push him out of my way, starting to walk towards the door, my eyes getting more and more narrow by the minute. But then I feel something cold, and liquidy running down my back. I turn on James, and see his cup of punch empty, and poised towards me.

I immediately put my hand into my dress, and pull out a wand. I hold it out towards him.

"Ha! Sure, go ahead and break me down with words. I don't give a shit!" I exclaim, glaring. "But you don't get to do that to Lily Evans and get away with it."

The students have formed a circle around me and Ja-Potter.

"Oh, and what will you do?" James sneers. My jaw clenches, and I open my mouth, about to shout a hex. But before I can, I hear someone mutter.

"What the bloody hell," they mutter. I turn, and see someone coming out of the crowd. I do a double take as I see... James? What the hell? I look back at the James who'd thrown punch onto me, then back at the one who'd just come out of the crowd, then back at the punch James, and then back to the other.

"What the fuck," I murmur, looking back and forth between them.

What is bloody going on?

~ ~ ~
NOTES: the only reason I don't delete the dance part at the beginning is because your comments are amusing


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