~ Part 64 ~ This Shirt Smells Good ~

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Highway To Hell - AC/DC

-Lily POV-

I woke up Monday morning to sunlight streaming through the windows and onto me and the couch.

Hold on-the couch?

I immediately sit up, but as I do so I feel liquid dripping down my body. I look down at myself, and see me in my robes with ink splattered all over.

I look around to see where I am, and realize I had been sleeping on the couch. Parchment was scattered everywhere.

The events of last night come streaming into my mind. I had stayed up far later than one should to complete my Transfiguration essay that I should have done days ago. You see, McGonagall assigned the essay on Friday, making it clear that it was due on Monday. But I was so busy with Slughorn's ball, and Hogsmeade with James that I never even got it started.

So here I am, covered in last night's Transfiguration essay.

I scramble to pick up the pages of parchment, and read them over. I think it'll pass; quite lovely of an essay, if I do say so myself.

I smile to myself, and check my watch.

8:57 am.

8:57 am?!

I shoot up off the couch, my mind going a mile a minute.

Bloody hell, I have only three minutes before I have to be at McGonagall's class! Gosh! Merlin! Oh, Merlin!

I stuff the parchment into my book bag and begin to rush towards the door, but then remember that-ugh-I'm covered in spilt ink!

I look around the room, blinded by the thought of being late, and grab a random piece of clothing draped across a chair. I quickly wiggle off my robes, and put the piece of clothing on over my head. It's some sort of shirt, but as I'm about to be late, I decide that as long as I have a shirt and pants on, I'm fine.

I take a deep breath in, and mmm this shirt smells good....

Lily you're getting off track here, hurry up.

I speedily race across the room to the painting with my book bag in hand, and clean clothes on. The painting swings open, and I run out, straight down the corridor.

I skid when I reach my turn, and run down the next corridor. A few hallways and staircases later, I reach the Transfiguration door, breathing hard.

I quickly turn the handle to the door, and push through it at precisely 9:06 am.

"I'm here!" I exclaim, panting, bursting into the classroom. I feel everyone's eyes turn to look at me, and my face immediately starts to heat up. "Um... I-I spent all of last night writing my essay, so I overslept, and, uh, if detention is-"

McGonagall, standing at the front of the room, sighs. "It's quite alright Miss Evans. Detention will not be necessary. I'll only be deducting 2 points from Gryffindor, and leave it at that," McGonagall tells me, then speaks again with a glint in her eye. "All I must ask, now, is that you change into something that follows the school dress code policy."

I take a breath of relief at the beginning; no detention. But then my eyebrows scrunch up at her last statement... what shirt had I put on?

I look down at myself and suck in a breath.

A big, scarlet colored shirt. A large 7 in gold lettering. And the worst part; I know that on the back in the same gold, it clearly read the word Potter.

I was wearing James's quidditch Jersey.

In front of everyone.

"Sweet Merlin," I groan under my breath. I'm never going to hear the end of this.

I glance around the room and see a variety of expressions. Marlene and Remus giving me apologetic looks. Sirius laughing his arse off. James smirking.

"Um-yeah... I-I'll go change," I quickly say, and then rush out of the class.

Merlin, I really am never going to hear the end of this.

~ ~ ~


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