~ Part 84 ~ Gift Time! ~

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Come Sail Away - Styx

-Lily POV-

The rest of Saturday had been decently uneventful. For dinner we had eaten my mother's famed Shepherds Pie that was to die for. I had told my mum and dad about my year so far. The new Charms teacher, how Potions was my best and favorite class as always, and, the big one, how I now had a boyfriend.


"So, dear, any boys on your radar? You are seventeen, many girls have a boyfriend at your age," Mum comments after a lasting conversation about Amortentia.

I feel my cheeks heat up at her question.

"Ooh! Do you see that?" Mum asks dad. "That's blush! That, my love, is the blush of someone who does have a boy on her radar. Anything to tell us, Lily?"

"Ah, yes, well..." I trail off. "I... have... a boyfriend."

My mum gasps excitedly. "Oh that's lovely! Who? Is it one of those boys from summer?"

"Uh, yeah, it was the tall, raven haired one, James," I answer with a small smile. I missed him already.

"He better treat you-" my dad starts with raised eyebrows.

"He treats me great, dad, don't worry. He makes me feel like the most special girl out there," I say. Then I blink; did I say that last part out loud?

With pursed lips, my dad nods. "Alright. But I expect to meet him soon."

"Yes, honey, sometime during break would be wonderful," Mum adds.

I bite my lip and wince, imagining the awkward situation. Not only would it be slightly awkward anyways, but the current status of me and James would make it even worse.

But I manage to hide all these emotions, and just nod.


Anyways, it was Sunday now, Christmas morning, and all of the worries of James were swept away with the the thought of cookies, gifts under the tree, and a warm fireplace.

I sit up in bed, swing my legs over the side and slip my feet into my purple fuzzy slippers.

And I walk out of my bedroom door and hop down the stairs at 6:04 am, wearing some soft plaid pajama pants along with James's Quidditch jersey (yes, I stole it).

And, as I suspected, no one was awake yet, so I took this opportunity and walked into the kitchen.

I open a cabinet and put a saucepan on the stove. I put in sugar, cocoa, and salt and added water once I turned on the stove. I stirred in some milk, and then vanilla extract after I took it off the heat. I whisked it up, smelling the delightful chocolatey scent.

I grabbed the bag of marshmallows along with a mug. I poured the hot cocoa into the mug, and sprinkled on a handful of the marshmallows in.

I smile giddily, taking a long sip of the hot, thick beverage.

I walk out into the living room and realize; this cannot do! A Christmas tree is not enough decoration!

And so I spent the next couple of hours stringing tinsel and popcorn-cranberry garland all along the tree and mantle, and baking about five more batches of Christmas cookies than we needed.

Until, finally, around 9 o'clock, I heard movement upstairs; 3 pairs of footsteps, wandering around and doing their morning routine. I did a little dance, and grabbed one of the many plates of cookies I'd baked just that morning, and waited at the bottom of the stairs for them to come down.

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