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Numb - Linkin Park

-Lily POV-

My boyfriend and I had finished patrolling a little late because we got backtracked a bit at the beginning-you know, him asking me out and us kissing-and we were now headed up to our common room.

"Quaffle," I say. I can feel James grinning at me as I say this. The painting swings open, and we walk in only to be greeted by Sirius wolf whistling.

I raise an eyebrow. "Why are you in here and why'd you whistle like that?" I ask, sighing.

"Well-first question-I just thought since it's a Friday, and we never had a Halloween party, we could have a MARAUDER AND MARAUDETTS NIGHT! SNACKS, GOSSIP, AND LAUGHS!" Sirius answers, yelling the last part as if he was advertising it.

I look around the room to find Marlene, Mary, Alice, Frank, Sirius, an Remus already lounging on the several couches and chairs.

"Wow. No use for a password anymore, if you all already come in here so often," I mutter. Then in a mock-sweet voice, I say, "Not that I don't absolutely love each and every one of you breaking into my dorms!"

"Hush, I haven't answered your second question, which I will answer with a question. Why are you late?" He asks suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows. "Did somebody get it tonight?"

"Ugh! Sirius!" I exclaim. I grab a pillow off of one of the chairs and start hitting him with it.

Through his laughs and grunts, he manages to get out, "Ooh! What a perfect-ouch!-way to get-oof!-our night started! A-Merlin, woman!-pillow fight!"

Out of the corner of my eye I James laugh and grab a pillow of his own.

And soon enough, it's an all out pillow fight. Let me rephrase-pillow war.

Alice and Frank were going rabid on each other, which was very contradictory to their normal behavior towards each other. Marlene was hitting James, saying things like "You don't get all handsy with our Lilyflower, you hear? Hands to yourself!", and I pitied James. Mary and Remus were fighting pretty equally. And by 'fighting pretty equally', I mean going easy on each other pretty equally. Because I know Mary could demolish Remus if she wanted, and Remus also had a wild side, but they were both holding back on each other.

And I was still attacking Sirius, who had grabbed a pillow and started to fight back.

~ ~ ~

I fall onto the couch and let out a breath. Now, this was after about half an hour of pillow fighting, and the floor was now littered with feathers.

James is to the right of me, and Frank is next to him. Marlene and Mary are squished into one chair, Remus in another chair. Alice is sitting on the floor in between Frank's legs, and Sirius is laying face up in the middle of the floor in front of all of us.

"Ahhhh," Remus lets out a breath as well.

"See? Now, was that so hard, Lilyflower?" Sirius asks.

"You wanna call me that again?" I ask Sirius.

"Sure thing, Lilyflower," Sirius says, trying to hide his smirk.

"Oh, stick your head up your arse, Black," I tell him.

"It's already up there, sorry," Remus says. I snort.

"Remyyyyy," Sirius whines.

"Who's in for truth or dare instead of listening to Sirius whine?" Remus suggests. Sirius starts to whine again.

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