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Crazy Train - Ozzy Osbourne

-Lily POV-

I push through everyone to try and find my friends, when I finally see a familiar head of blond hair and head that way.

"MARLS!" I shout.

Marlene turns and spots me, and looks around before shouting, "LILY EVANS COMING THROUGH! MAKE WAY, MAKE WAY!"

With a red face, I make my way through the parted crowds in the stands, and stand next to Marlene, shooting her a look. In the row in front of us are Mary and Remus, and behind us are Alice and Frank.

"Where you been?" She asks. "The match starts in like, 2 minutes and I've been forced to listen to Hal Jordan's flirting with Emmeline Vance over the microphone without anyone to talk to!"

I look over and spot Emmeline Vance in the Hufflepuff stands with her tomato-colored face in her hands.

"And I don't mean good flirting. I mean awful pick-up lines, Lily. Awful! Where were you when I needed you most?" She asks dramatically, wiping a fake tear.

"You really are perfect for Sirius," I mutter.

"Oh, you're one to talk, with that on your face," Marlene says.

"Huh? Oh, James put that on there. What is it, exactly?" I ask.

Marlene laughs. "It is the number 7. Your boyfriend's Quidditch number."

And before I can reply, Marlene starts talking again.


I put my hand hastily over Marlene's mouth. "How about we don't shout it to the whole school?" I tell her, then murmur, "That's James's job."

"I won't shout if you tell me exactly how you acquired him as your boyfriend," Marlene says pompously.

"You say that as if he's some object," I say, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Aw, look at you getting all defensive for your boo," She coos. And before I can protest, "But seriously, how did this happen?"

I start to say something, but stop myself and put a hand over my heart. "Oh sweet Merlin. Marlene! I just about made a SIRIUS PUN! What has become of me? What has become of the world?"

Marlene smirks and rolls her eyes. "Who's the drama queen now?" She murmurs. "Alright, but serio-I mean for real, how did this happen? Stop stalling!"

"Fine, fine, fine. So you know how I didn't take your advice to tell him I smelled him, and instead just avoided him?" I ask. Marlene nods. "Well, James was all like 'Lily what's going on?' And I didn't really know what to say, and then he started rambling about like, 'I mean, I was going to, and I thought there was a chance, but now I don't really know...' So I was like 'yeah?' And finally he spit it out and asked me to be his girlfriend. So I got over myself, pecked him on the lips and was like, 'Yes'. And that pretty much sums it up."

Marlene smirks at me. "You sure?"

"What do you mean?"

"You sure there wasn't any snogging after?"

I feel my face heat up.

"Yes, thats what I thought," Marlene quips.

"What gave it away? The fact that my face is as red as Emmeline Vance's, or the-"

Nah, She Didn'tTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon