~ Part 11 ~ Well? Come On, Then ~

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My Way - Ava Max

-James POV-

I strutted away from Lily, leaving her on a very smooth note. "You'll see." I'm a genius.

I hope shes not disappointed that I'm Head Boy, and that it isn't someone else more responsible; like Remus, or some Ravenclaw. But I'll be more responsible this year. I'm making myself promise this for Lily. I mean, I'm not going to completely stop pranking, but at the very least I'll only do it to people who deserve it.

I drop off my trunk at the Marauders compartment. How does everyone know this is the Marauders compartment, you ask?

We carved it into the wooden wall;

Marauders Only
Got a problem with it
ask Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, or Prongs

Sirius added the 'got a problem with it' part. There were a few other things we'd carved over the years on the wall, too:

Lupin + McDonald,

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good,

A carving of a stag's antlers,

And my personal favorite,

JP + LE in a heart.

I lifted my trunk over the seats and onto the shelf, and grabbed my pocket knife out of it. I re-carved the heart and the JP + LE, just so it won't wear out soon. I pocket the knife, and step out of the compartment.

Um... the prefect compartment is to the... left?

"Never stepped in the prefects compartment in your life," I hear a familiar voice start. I turn around, recognizing the light brown haired, scar faced, almost as tall as me figure at once. "And no way I'm letting you wander around asking where it is."

"Moony!" I shout, carrying out the y. I jump onto him into a hug. "You know where it is, then?"

"No, I haven't been a prefect since 5th year," Remus Lupin says sarcastically.

He is my fellow Marauder, and the responsibility, sarcasm, and mastermind of our team. He's a werewolf, too. And every full moon (at Hogwarts at least) Sirius, Peter, and I change into our animagus forms, and smuggle Remus into the Shrieking Shack, fending him off, and keeping him in there until sunrise. Sounds heroic, doesn't it?

"Well? Come on then." He says, and turns right. Not left. I'll have to remember that.

I follow Remus as he makes his way down the train. He walks through a door labeled Prefect and Head Compartment.

"Alright, I've got to go. Have to put my trunk in the compartment," Remus says, then turns to face me. "Maybe... prepare a little for the meeting, to impress Lily. She'll appreciate it if you have at least a bit planned."

"Ah! Lovely idea, Moony," I say. "Thank the moons!"

I pause. "Um... so... what exactly... do I plan?"

"Do you not know anything about being a Head?" He asks, without waiting for a reply. "You do everything a prefect does, but more. Like more patrols. You can give and take points, and give detentions. And you plan the social events, like Hogsmeade visits and balls."

"Ok... so then... right now I plan what exactly?"

"Maybe who will patrol on what nights?"

"Ah yes. Let us see the list of prefects here. Griffyndor is Remus Lupin and... MARY MCDONALD! LETS GO! Haha... I'll make sure to have you two patrol together," I wink. "For Ravenclaw it's Rachel Duke-ugh hate her-and... Sean McLaggen! What utter snobs the prefects for Ravenclaw are. They're both arses! Oh well. Hufflepuff it's Amos Diggory-bit of a kiss up if you ask me-and Patricia Patil-she's alright, I suppose. And for Slytherin, wait, lemme guess; it's two jerks. Here... it's Bellatrix Black-oh Sirius'll love that-and Sn-SNAPE?! WHY'S SNIVELLUS A PREFECT? What was Dumbles thinking this year? First it's me as Head Boy, then Sean McLaggen as a prefect, then Snape and Bellatrix for prefects! I mean... Narcissa and Lucius would've been better! But, I suppose, at least I have more authority than them."

Remus doesn't speak for a moment. "Well now that you're done, who's with who for patrols? And keep in mind, we need someone patrolling every night of the week from 9-12."

"Um... well I guess I should be the one taking extra days because I am Head," I say. Remus nods. "So we will have... you and Mary on Monday. Rachel and Sean on Tuesday. Amos and Patricia Wednesday. Bellatrix and Snivellus Thursday. And me and Lily can do Fridays and Saturdays, and then everyone will take turns for Sundays."

"That's good, James. You might actually be a decent Head," Remus says. I smile proudly at this. "Alright, we'll I'm going now. I'll see you at the meeting." Remus walks out, and I lay back and write down my plan for the patrols.

Sunday Rotations (taking turns)
Monday Remus Lupin & Mary McDonald
Tuesday Rachel Duke & Sean McLaggen
Wednesday Amos Diggory & Patricia Patil
Thursday Bellatrix Black & Snivellus
Friday James Potter & Lily Evans
Saturday James Potter & Lily Evans

That just sounded right. James Potter and Lily Evans. James Potter and Lily Evans.

~ ~ ~
NOTES: Alright! Seems like all the important Marauders have made an adequate appearance. So glad to have Remus join us, he's a darling. Now Sirius and James will have someone to keep them in check.


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