~ Part 66 ~ I Remember ~

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Hey Jude - The Beatles

-James POV-

After almost half an hour, we finally reach the last ingredient. That's not to say I didn't enjoy every minute of sharing a desk with Lily.

You see-bet you didn't see this one coming-I'm planning on asking Lily out soon. Out as in, her being my girlfriend.

I mean, she said yes to a date, right?

She most likely had fun... right?

So she'll probably agree....


I'm shaken out of thought from the plop of Lily dropping the moonstone into the cauldron.

"Right. Now all we have to do is stir it, and wait for it to start steaming," Lily tells me (or maybe herself, I don't know). I nod.

"I'll stir," I say. "U-unless you want to?

Merlin, I'm so awkward, why did even say that?

"No, go ahead," Lily replies.

I grab the spoon and begin to stir up the liquid in the cauldron. I continue this for a few minutes until I see steam start to rise, then I stop.

Lily grins. "Look at that! Mother of Pearl Sheen, steam rising... I believe we have just concocted a perfect batch of Amortentia." She takes a deep breath of the aroma, grinning. "Ahh, and it smells so good."

I take a whiff as well. It smelled absolutely amazing.

I smell apple pie-told you it was my favorite food.

I smell-I don't really know how to explain this one-air? All I can tell is that it smells exactly like what it smells like when I'm in the air on a broom.

I smell something that smells distinctively like one of my dad's hair potion products.

And lastly I smell-I take another whiff-it's some sort of lavender-

My eyes widen.

I lean-as discreetly as possible-slightly to the left, where Lily is sitting. I turn my head a tad so I'm more facing her, and just kind of... smell her... nope that's not weird.

And I realize that yes, I smell Lily.

Well, nothing I hadn't seen coming... we are soulmates.

A smile creeps onto my face.

I look over at Lily, who I see taking a deep breath. It looks as if she counting off the different things she smells.

But then she pauses, and her eyes suddenly show sadness. Then she pauses again and her eyebrows crease, but that immediately changes into wide eyes.

I wonder what she smells...?

-Lily POV-

I take a huge breath of that amazing smell. And another, and another, and another.

I smell fresh parchment... kind of smells like a book. One of the best scents ever is a book, and no one will ever convince me otherwise.

I smell salty air, as if we are at a beach. I remember how, before I knew I was a witch, my family and I would go to Hastings Beach for the weekend pretty often. I sigh at the memory.

I smell-my heart clenches-petunias. I blink.

Lastly, I smell-I take one more breath in-some sort of... woodsy type scent that I can't quite put my finger on. I scrunch up my eyebrows, trying to remember, then it hits me.

This is James's cologne.

I remember it from all those years of him picking me up and running down the hallways.

I remember it from standing next to him in the Head's compartment.

I remember it from sitting next to him for breakfast on the first day of this year.

I remember it from when he carried me to the Hospital Wing after I got crucio-ed by Snape.

I remember it from kissing him in the closet the day after the Quidditch celebration party.

I remember it from dancing with him at Slughorn's party.

I remember it from down in the kitchens, when we ditched the party.

I remember it from his-shut up-shirt.

And I remember it from right now, sitting right there next to him.

My eyes widen.

I smelt James Potter in Amortentia.

~ ~ ~


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