~ Part 56 ~ Bout Bloody Time ~

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Gotta Be A Reason - Alec Benjamin

-Lily POV-

"Lily..." James starts. "Would you... perhaps... go on a date with me?"

I look at him for a moment. After a minute, he gets on a nervous expression.

And to save him the torture of waiting any longer, I blurt out "Yes!"

James's face immediately mirrors shock.

"Wait, really?" He says with both surprisedness and excitedness in his voice.

"Yep," I say with a slight smirk and raised eyebrow.

James blinks.

"Woah," he says. I bite my lip, the smile threatening to grow wider. "I gotta-I gotta, like, go tell Padfoot and Moony and Wormtail and..."

James murmurs to himself, and then looks back at me excitedly.

"Really?" He asks again, just making sure.

"Yes," I say with a chuckle.

"I..." James starts.

"There's Hogsmeade tomorrow. Don't be late," I say with a grin. "Alright. Feel free to go inform the Marauders, or whatever."

James comes forward as if he's going to hug me, but thinks better of it and holds out his hand for me to shake, but then pulls it back. Eventually he just gives me a salute, and scrambles off towards the Fat Lady.

I chuckle to myself, but once he turns the corner, I feel in the mood for a happy dance. Oh, what the hell. I do a little jig, shaking my hips and dancin' my arms around.

"Excited for the date, eh?" I hear someone say from behind me.

I turn around and see James's head coming out from around the corner. Before I can say anything, or hex him, he races off, giggling like a little girl.

I smile to myself, my grin most likely mirroring that of the Cheshire Cat's.

I feel my feet moving towards the Heads dorms, but with my mind wandering to Hogsmeade tomorrow, I'm not paying attention much. I reach the painting of Fredrick.

"Quaffle," I say, smiling even wider as I say this.

I hop up the stairs to my room, and jump into my bed. I sit cross-legged, facing the window. I decide that I, too, must inform my friends of this. I look to the corner of my room to Felix, my owl. The large, graceful grey owl is perched in his cage, fast asleep.

I jump off my bed, and scribble down a note.


If you can, come to my room straight after breakfast. We've got a date to get me ready for.

Thank you dears!

I put my quill back into the ink pot, and roll up the short piece of paper. I walk over to Felix's cage, open it, and let him fly over to the window by the desk.

"Hey, Felix. Mind bringing this to Marlene, Mary, and Alice's dorm?" I ask him, tying the note to his ankle. He gives a short, annoyed hoot in obligation, irritated that it is the middle of the night, but obeying all the same.

I open the window and let Felix fly around the tower to the Gryffindor dorms, feeling the slight wind blow across my face.

Eesh... there'll sure be a lot of squeals tomorrow morning.

-Marlene POV-

Laying in bed, I'm woken with a start. I sit up in bed, and look on either side of me, searching for the source of my quick wake. I hear a slight tapping on the window, so I stand up, slipping on my slippers.

I trudge sleepily over to the window, and open it. Lily's owl, Felix, soars into the dorm.

"Felix? What are you doing here, mate?" I ask tiredly, squinting. After doing a circle around the room, he comes and perches on the desk in front of the window. By now, Alice and Mary are groaning at whatever woke them. "Guys, it's Felix."

They both stand up slowly, and reluctantly walk over to the desk with tired eyes.

"What's he doing here?" Alice asks.

"What do you think?" Mary asks, in quite the bitter, sarcastic manner. Mary is not a very enjoyable person when she is sleepy. "Delivering a letter."

"Well?" Alice asks. "Open it."

I take the letter from Felix's foot and unroll it.

"Maraudetts," I read, chuckling at the nickname. "If you can, come to my room straight after breakfast. We've got a date to get me ready for. Thank you dears, Lilyflower."

Alice gasps dramatically.

"Who do you think it's with?" Mary asks excitedly.

Hm, I think proudly. Lily must've actually said yes to James.

"What do you mean who do you think? James Potter, of course, is the only answer," I reply. "Bout bloody time, too."

"Damn straight."

~ ~ ~


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