~ Part 61 ~ Pie Buddies ~

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Maxwell's Silver Hammer - The Beatles

-James POV-

"Told you you were more convincing than I am, Evans," I comment, grinning at her.

"Oh, come on, you wanker," she tells me, slipping the jacket onto herself.

I let myself be dragged down the streets by her.

Hold on... there's some black dog at the end of the street... if that's Sirius, I swear I'm gonna...

Hold on, nope. It's just a stray.

I take a big step so that I'm next to her rather than behind her. Then a thought struck me.

"Why didn't you tell me about the whole McLaggen thing?" I ask her.

"Which thing, exactly?" She replies. "McLaggen seems to be doing things all the time."

"The one about how he kissed you," I answer.

"Ah, that," she says, narrowing her eyes at something in the distance. "Well, you never asked."

"What was I supposed to ask?" I ask. "Under the love potion, no less."

She sighs. "I don't know. It doesn't really matter, anyways."

"What? He invaded your personal space! He kissed you, and you didn't want to be in the situation!" I exclaim. "For all he knew, you could've been drunk! That's-that's—"

"James, I've taken care of it. I know how shitty his actions were — or at least the day after I figured out how shitty they were — and so I've taken care of it."

"What on earth does that mean?"

"I gave him a piece or two of my mind, and a piece or two of my fist as well."

I snort, unintentionally.

"And I also told Marlene, so I'm sure Marlene went off on a rage and did something too," she continues.

I start laughing. "Well I believe that Sirius also went off on a rage and has gone to beat him up as well!"

Lily laughs. "Well, I suppose he's getting what he deserves."

I look to my left where she's walking, and just stare at her. Lily takes a long sip of Butterbeer through her soft, pink lips. She breaths out after taking a drink, and the air looks like smoke as it fades away, floating past her red locks.

"Keep that mouth open any longer and you'll catch flies, Potter," Lily quips.

"I'd say I could deal with a few flies if it means getting to stare at you a bit longer," I reply grinning, to which she rolls her eyes.

We just walk a ways down the street, sipping our Butterbeers without talking.

"Well, although I think I already know the answer, tell me your favorite class," I tell her.

"I like Potions the most," she answers immediately.

"Knew it!" I reply. She laughs.

"I'm not that obvious," She says.

"Maybe not, but I can tell," I say.

The way her eyes light up when Slughorn talks about Potions. The way she always has her hands ready when we start brewing. The way she practically trips over to the ingredients. The way how, every time she walks into the classroom, she takes big deep breath in, inhaling all the smells of potions and whatnot.

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