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Can You Feel The Love Tonight - The Lion King

-James POV-

I race up towards the Fat Lady, my heart beating a hundred miles an hour. It had been quite a courageous move to kiss her like that, but LOOK AT WHERE IT GOT ME!

Lily Evans had said YES to go on a date with ME!

I skip down the corridor, but then at the end, I see I figure pacing back and forth. I keep skipping forward, and as I get closer, I recognize the figure as Severus Snape.

I won't let him dull my mood, so I keep skipping towards him. And just as I pass him, just as he notices me, I give him a swift, hard punch in the arm, then continue to the Fat Lady.

He's probably calling after me, but I just ignore him and exclaim the Gryffindor password in excitement, bursting into the common room. The painting swings shut behind me, and I run over to the boys staircase. I hop up the stairs, and go to the Marauders dorm. I slam open the door.

Immediately there are groans and moans at whoever's just woken them, but I pay no heed and jump onto Sirius's bed. I hear him give an oof! as I land right on top of him.

"Whathebloodyruddy-" I hear him mumble tiredly. He opens his eyes in annoyance, and as he sees me, he says, "Mate, what the hell?"

I sprawl myself on my back on top of him, and I see Remus and Peter sitting up in their beds.

"What's going on?" I hear Peter murmur sleepily.

"James? What are you doing here at"-Remus checks his watch-"12 at night?" Remus asks.

Then they all spot my elated expression.

"Well?" Sirius asks with a raised eyebrow, unimpressed.

"What's Lily done this time?" Remus asks exasperatedly.

"And why in Merlins name did it have to interrupt my beauty sleep?" Sirius asks annoyedly.

"If that's what you call it," Remus mutters.

"What was that, Moony?" Sirius asks.

"Oh hush, you two. I have a lovely story to tell," I say excitedly. They all sit up, except for Sirius, smushed underneath me.

"I'm sorry, Prongs, but I can't listen to a story when you're bloody crushing me," Sirius says. "Where do you even get all this weight? Aren't fit Quidditch players supposed to not weigh so much?"

"Just get on with the story, please," Remus says exhaustedly.

"Okay. Well, it all started with Sluggy's party. We went there, and Lily, of course, looked stunning. Well, we danced for a while, then I went to go get us punch. But when I came back-get this-there she was, yelling at someone that looked exactly like me! Exactly. Long story short, it was Snivellus with Polyjuice potion!" I exclaim. I make a boom noise and gesture explosions. "Mind blown."

"Alright, well why are you so excited?" Remus asks, exasperated still.

"Let me speak, let me speak. Well, me and Lily decided to go down to the kitchens, so we drank Butterbeers down there a while. Well, I asked her what Snape said to her while he was in James form, and apparently he said some shit about her being just a game to me, and that I was going to leave her soon as she likes me back or something. I got all angry, and she said that it's okay, she's just glad it wasn't me. And I was like how could you think it was me? And she said she didn't, she was just afraid what would happen if it was. She said that with Snape and Petunia, the exact same thing had happened before... like, they break down her walls, hurt her, then she has to build them up higher," I explain.

"Well, then she said we should probably head up. Then in the corridor, I tried to explain that I never want to hurt her, that it's always been her. Well, I couldn't figure out how to put it, so I kissed her." I say. But before I can go on, I hear squealing that most definitely shouldn't be coming out of Sirius. Yet, here we are.

"YOU KISSED?" Sirius screams excitedly.

"Really?" Peter asks.

"How did she react?" Remus asks.

"Um, well, she kissed me back," I answer, grinning.


I pause, and look at them guiltily.

"Um... more like four times..." I whisper nervously, cringing.

"WHAT?" Sirius exclaims. "AND YOU DIDN'T TELL US?"

I don't answer, a slight grin on my face.

"SPILL. THE. TEA, SIS," Sirius demands. Lily and Remus had taught him a few muggle terms, and he quite enjoyed using them.

"Alright, well, on the train, she kissed me when I was rambling. But, then she said she wanted to forget that one because she didn't wanna move too fast. And, the other one was after you all gave me the antidote to the love potion. And she said we don't have to forget that one," I finish, grinning widely. Sirius jumps, causing me to topple off him onto the ground. He hops from the bed, and on top of me on the floor. I give an oof! just as he had earlier.

"Oh, my prongsie!" Sirius gasps, fake sobbing. "All grown up!"

"Wow, James. Didn't know you had it in you," Remus says with a smirk. I look at him, mock-affronted. "I'm proud of you, you bastard."

"I CAN SEE WHAT'S HAPPENING," Sirius suddenly belts out.

"Oh Merlin," Remus mutters.

"Oh no," I add.

"Just great," Peter finishes.


Remus facepalms, I groan, and Peter wraps the pillow around his ears.

Just your average Marauders girls night.

~ ~ ~
NOTES: Just in case you didn't know, what Sirius is singing is from the Lion King. And I know that it didn't come out til 1994, but I saw an opportunity and I grabbed it. Also awwww marauderssss


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