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Happy Together - The Turtles

-Lily POV-

Madam Pomfrey had let me out after about an hour so I could make it to Potions. I shakily take a deep breath in, walking down the corridor towards the dungeons to Professor Slughorn's classroom.

Thankfully, I had managed to avoid all of Madam Pomfrey's questions, and she'd eventually let me go. I had simply laid there on the bed for half an hour or so, and that made me feel considerably better.

Just take a deep breath, put on a smile, and suck it up, Lily.

I clench my jaw, walking briskly down a flight of stairs. I won't let Snape get the better of me. The cruciatus curse... he... he could do worse than that. I place my hand over my mouth to muffle my ragged breathing and slight whimpering, and hold my jaw in place to stop it's trembling.

Just take a deep breath, put on a smile, and suck it up.

"Ah, Lily m'girl! Some other professors told me you were absent to their classes, but I'm glad you could make it to my class!" Slughorn says as soon as I walk in.

I fake a smile. "This is my favorite class, after all. Couldn't miss it."

Slughorn just chortles in response, and I take a seat at the desk that's in front of the one in the back. Marlene and I normally sit here by each other, and Sirius and James sit behind us. Marlene isn't here, but I'm not worried, as this morning she had told me she was skipping because of some "god-awful cramps-Lily, why must we be the ones to suffer Satan's sacrificial waterfall of arse blood? Can it not be the male species? You know what, screw that, those sissies wouldn't be able to take it." A tiny smile ghosts my lips at the thought of her complaining.

My lips tighten, though, and the smile fades as I notice the two boys aren't here either. I really hope James didn't go and get himself into something he'd get into trouble for just because Snape did something to me.

My stomach clenches, and I block what happened in the closet out of my mind. I close my eyes, and turn to Slughorn, who's beginning his lesson. My breathing slows down a bit at the familiarity of the situation. But just as he opens his mouth to speak, the door is slammed open. I jump at the quick movement and place my hand on the desk as an anchor.

It's just a door, Lily, you codswallop-filled wretch.

I look back to the door and my eyebrows furrow at the sight of James, Remus, and Sirius.


"We apologize for interrupting your lesson, Professor, but we need Lily. Professor McGonagall sent us to come fetch her," Remus says, slapping Sirius with a pointed look towards him.

"What they said," James adds.

"Well... do you have a note? I'm afraid I can't let you take her without deliberate permission," Slughorn replies.

"Sluggy, mate, this is a matter of life and death! We need Evans!" Sirius pushes, and I frown. Why does McGonagall need me so badly?

"Alright... I'll... send a patronus," Slughorn concludes. A blue, wispy fish soars out of the classroom from Slughorn's wand, and a minute later a cat comes back granting me excused along with James and Sirius. "Very well, you all are free to go."

I stuff my potions book into my book bag and stand up, shuffling with Sirius, Remus, and James out the door.

"What is it?" I ask as soon as we get out the door.

James looks down as he says, "Well... Minnie wants to know why..."

"Why James pounded Snape," Remus finishes.

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