~ Part 63 ~ Well, I Bet Lily Was ~

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House Of Wolves - My Chemical Romance

-Lily POV-

"Get ready for some girly screams from Sirius when we tell him about our date," James comments with a grin as we come to a stop at the doors of the Great Hall. I blush slightly at the word date.

We stroll through the door, and a lot of the talking stops as the two of us walk in together. Oh, and I forgot, we're soaked in water.

I stride forward; ignoring the stares as I sit to the right of Mary. James follows, and sits to the left of Sirius.

"So..." Alice pushes.

"How was it?!" Sirius finishes.

"You're all wet," Marlene comments.

"Well, I bet Lily was," Sirius mumbles slyly.

I immediately go red. "Sirius!" I exclaim. "Someone elbow him in the gut, as I can't reach him right now."

"Ow!" Sirius exclaims as Marlene kicks him.

"I agree with your comment, but I've still got her back," I hear Marlene mutter to Sirius.

"Marleeeeene!" I whine.

"Oh, stop bickering and tell us what you did," Remus orders.

"Ooh, sounds like Remus loves James plus Lily too!" Alice says cheekily. Remus rolls his eyes.

"Just tell us how it went," Remus tells us.

"Well, we went to Madam Pudifoots at first, but it was too coupley, so we left and went to the Three Broomsticks," I answer.

"We got two mugs of Butterbeer and just kind of walked around Hogsmeade," James continues.

"What?!" Sirius exclaims. "One time I asked Rosmerta to walk around, but she didn't let me!"

"What can I say, we're her favorite customers," I reply.

"She even said so," James adds.

"Yeah," I say, chuckling. "Then we went to Honeydukes, and then Zonko's, where James wouldn't let me pay for my own things."

"I was just being a gentleman!" James exclaims pleadingly.

I laugh. "It's fine James, I don't care anymore."

"Good, he says, sighing.

"That's really all," I conclude.

"Um, pretty sure it's not," Marlene says. "Why're you both soaked?"

"Oh, we lost track of time, and it started raining," James answers.

Everyone decides that they have enough details about our date-cue the blush-and starts or continues to eat.

I pile up my plate with mashed potatoes and pork and start to dig in, finally tuning myself into the conversation now that I have my food.

"-so, no Halloween party, then?" I hear Sirius whine.

"We only have a party if there aren't any drinks," Remus reprimands. "Last time did not end very well, and I am certain that without drinks, James wouldn't have been slipped a love potion."

"Fiiine," Sirius drags out. "I mean, what's even the point of a party without alcohol?"

I chuckle, and take a few more bites.

I sneak a glance at James, who's giggling with Remus and Sirius. That's right, I said giggling. And boy does he look cute doing it...

Shut it, Lily.

~ ~ ~


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