~ Part 30 ~ Hogsmeade's Better Look Out! ~

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Satisfaction - The Rolling Stones

-Lily POV-

When I had told Marlene, Mary, and Alice that I had agreed to coming to Hogsmeade with James-and everyone else, which I had adamantly told them, but to no avail-they had all squealed like mad. I had told them that it wasn't a date, because Remus, Sirius, Mary and Marlene were coming too, but they didn't listen.

I already had gone to breakfast around 7:00, and now I was walking to the Gryffindor common room to meet the girls. They were going to give me a... shudder... makeover.

I told the Fat Lady the password-"Panthera Leo,"-walked inside, and went up the staircase to the girl's dorms. And, of course, Alice screamed as I entered the room.

"Aliiiiiice! I told you. It's not a date!" I tell her. They share glances that scream I know something you don't. I just ignore it.

"Whatever. We still get to dress you up!" Alice says.

"Don't overdo it, you all. I'm warning you,"
I say.

"But when do we ever do that?" Mary asks innocently. I narrow my eyes.

They spend almost half and hour looking through their closets, until finally deciding on an outfit. Marlene had chosen some dark blue jeans; and I would rather not repeat this in my mind, but she had said that jeans frame my apple-bottom bum well. I had simply closed my eyes a moment, sighed, and moved on, because I knew I wouldn't win this battle.

I had actually chosen my shirt. Surprising, right? Lily actually got to choose what she could wear. I had sort of demanded I wear this shirt, because I love it so much. It's Mary's, but if it were mine it'd be my favorite top. It's a soft, cotton-y, dark green t-shirt, with nothing on it but the Silver Stag of Scotland logo on the back. It is about the most comfortable thing in the world. The only reason the girls allowed me to wear it, though, was because the 'green goes nicely with her red hair'.

And I really do not give a single rat's arse about my shoes, but Alice was not budging. We met in the middle, and I'm simply wearing some nice black flats. They won't kill my feet, and they're cute.

I look in the mirror and blink at my reflection. "I actually look okay!"

"Well of course you do! We did it," Alice said joyfully.

Marlene just laughed. "It's funny you think we're finished."

My eyes widen. "No, no, no. I am most definitely not wearing makeup. Under no circumstances will I put anything of the sort on my face. I'm not, and will never criticize girls or boys who like makeup, but I would like to voice that I absolutely and positively do not. Makeup was invented originally to torture and annoy Lily's face, and make it break out! I'm not putting that naffy stuff on, and you will force my cold dead body to."

Marlene, Alice, and Mary stare at me for a moment, as if to be sure that me and my fast-talk-ranting is complete, and then burst into laughter.

Mary speaks up first, wiping a tear of laughter away from her eye. "Lily you didn't really think that we would try and put makeup on you, right?"

"That's like a death wish!" Alice exclaims.

"I mean, three against one, we probably could've overtaken you, but I don't think you'd speak to us ever again," Marlene adds. "You're quite the drama queen like that."

"I am not a drama queen," I grumble. "And I just wanted to make sure my thoughts about makeup were clear to you."

"You voice them to us regularly, Lily, don't worry," Mary assured me.

"We just meant we should do something to your hair," Alice explained. And before I could even blink, Alice was tugging her fingers through the tangles in my hair.

"Ow!" I whine.

"Oh hush," Alice scolds. "I'm just going to pull into a nice little braid, okay?"

"No! Not okay!" I exclaimed, but I should've known better than to think they'd listen. So I simply had to sit there and tolerate her pulling out every last strand of hair I had.

"And done!" Alice said happily. I narrow my eyes and look in the mirror, my eyebrows shooting up in surprise.

"Yeah, you look good, don't you?" Alice said smugly, proud of my reaction.

"No, no, it's not that," I reply. "I... I still have hair!"

Alice sighs. "Why would you not have hair?"

"I thought you'd pulled it all out!"

"My lord, Lily, what are we going to do with you?" Mary asked, sighing.

"You must admit though, Lily, that you do look good, eh?" Marlene pushed.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, I guess I do."

"Good job Lily," Mary praised me.

"Hogsmeade's better look out!"

~ ~ ~
NOTES: the Silver Stag logo is at the top by the music video


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