~ Part 31 ~ It's Not Even A Date! ~

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Mad World - John Clarence Stewart - (original song by Gary Jules and Michael Andrews)

-James POV-

Oh Merlin.

I'm usually not this nervous.

For anything.

It's not even a date.

Almost all of the gang will be there.

Why are you so nervous?!

I'm frantically rushing around my room, looking for something to wear. Looking for something to smooth down my hair. Looking for a towel to dry myself off after my shower. And looking for my glasses, because damnit I can't see a goddamn thing right now!

"Oi! Mate what's going on in there?!" I hear Sirius yell from outside my bedroom door. He starts to open the door, but I just got out of the shower and am stark naked.

"Wait, let me put something on!" I yell, slamming the door back closed. I slip on some boxers and a plain white t-shirt. I open the door, and in come Remus, Sirius, and Peter.

"What is wrong with you? It's not even a date!" Remus says to the clothes and hair gel strewn all across the floor.

"I know! That's what I've been telling myself!" I reply. "Help! I need help!"

"Ok. First... we need motivational music!" Sirius says in a deep voice, but that last part he says excitedly. He likes muggle music too, and turns on Help!, by The Beatles. Thanks, Sirius.

"Not really the type of music that'll motivate me right now, but whatever," I say, singing along to the song anyways.

"Right then... what's the big issue here, Prongs?" Sirius asks.

"I don't know what to wear, and my hair won't go flat, and I can't find my bloody glasses!" I yell.

"Your glasses are right here," Peter says.

"I'm a great fashionista, Prongs, I got you," Sirius says.

"I know a spell that can make your hair flat," Remus adds.

Merlin, what would I do without this bunch?

"Merlin, what would you bloody do without us, mate?" Sirius asks, reading my mind.

"Oh thank you guys," I say. I put my glasses on.

"Fashion time!" Sirius yells.

He recommends several things. A leather jacket; but that would make me seem too... Sirius-ish. Some old grandpa sweater; which would make me seem too formal and old. A red Chudley Cannons sweatshirt; but that's too casual.

Until finally, we find a good outfit.

It's some plain jeans, some black converse, and my favorite gray shirt. It's a Silver Stag t-shirt (I'm hilarious, right?).

"Smokin, Prongs," Sirius says.

"Pads, I know I'm hot, but unfortunately for you, my heart already belongs to Lily," I say dramatically. Remus face palms, but I can tell he's muffling a chuckle.

"Moony! Don't encourage it!" Sirius scolds Remus.

"I can do the spell now if you want," Remus says. I take a look in the mirror at my sticky-outey hair in the mirror.

"You know what, my hair's great. I'll just keep it like this. It's my signature style, after all," I say.

"Except once he sees Lily he'll not only be rethinking his hair, but all of his life decisions,"Sirius says.

"Thanks, Padfoot." I mutter. "What time is it?"

"9:45," Peter answers.

"We said we'd meet the girls at 10, so come on," Remus says.

"And the Marauders go to Hogsmeade!"

~ ~ ~


Nah, She Didn'tOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora